[Equest-users] Can assign Zones to Middle Floors

John Aulbach jra_sac at yahoo.com
Wed Jul 2 09:19:45 PDT 2014

Hi Frank:

I see you are in the DD Wizard, so you have the ability to assign those spaces to individual floors. However, you show only three floor plans and you are trying to name five. If you cut down the 2, 3, and 4 to say "Middle" you should be able to assign that Middle Zone to the middle floor plan.

See attached. BTW, I am using Version 3.64. If you installed 3.65, you can read it OK. I and others have some issues with the newer Version.

John R. Aulbach, PE
Los Angeles, CA

On Wednesday, July 2, 2014 9:09 AM, "Lee, Frank" <Frank.Lee at baltimorecity.gov> wrote:

Another Newbe Question 
I am creating my first model.  DD Wizard  Screen 14. 
I’ve created the 2nd 3rd and 4th floor in a five story bldg.  Can’t seem to assign them to the “Middle Above Grade” floor plan shown below.
No dialog box appears.   
Help says I should see thisdialog box:
Frank Lee
Facility Energy Auditor
Baltimore City Energy Office 
Department of General Services
200 N. Holliday Street, Rm. 804
Baltimore, MD 21202
P:  410-396-1221
C: 410-627-8304
Please click here to complete a customer service survey!
From:Jason Glazer [mailto:jglazer at gard.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, July 02, 2014 11:59 AM
To: Lee, Frank
Subject: Re: List view for this list

but newest is on the bottom.


by thread
On 7/2/2014 10:55 AM, Lee, Frank wrote:
Thanks Jason
>Usually in a listgroup one can go the page with listing of current posts, newest on top, threads view…
>Looks like these is not such a home page here.  Correct? 
>From:Jason Glazer [mailto:jglazer at gard.com] 
>Sent: Wednesday, July 02, 2014 11:21 AM
>To: Lee, Frank
>Subject: Re: List view for this list
>The archive is at:
>To post a new message, send an email to:
>equest-users at onebuilding.org
>Let me know if you still have any questions.
>On 7/1/2014 7:27 AM, Lee, Frank wrote:
>>Just joined.   Is there a page where current postings are listed?  Or just Archive and the email to post?
>>I am accustomed to lists where current posts are posted. 
>>Frank Lee
>>Facility Energy Auditor
>>Baltimore City Energy Office 
>>Department of General Services
>>200 N. Holliday Street, Rm. 804
>>Baltimore, MD 21202
>>P:  410-396-1221
>>C: 410-627-8304
>>Please click here to complete a customer service survey!
>Jason Glazer, P.E., GARD Analytics, 90.1 ECB chair
>Admin for onebuilding.org building performance mailing lists

Jason Glazer, P.E., GARD Analytics, 90.1 ECB chair
Admin for onebuilding.org building performance mailing lists

Jason Glazer, P.E., GARD Analytics, 90.1 ECB chair
Admin for onebuilding.org building performance mailing lists
Equest-users mailing list
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