[Equest-users] Curved Building Shape
John Aulbach
jra_sac at yahoo.com
Sun Sep 7 13:49:02 PDT 2014
If you speak of eQuest, then having several small flat surfaces around the curve works fine. The sun angle different will be negligible.
Don't worry about it being a Rembrandt. Unless you are an architect (Ha !!).
On Sunday, September 7, 2014 12:52 AM, Suhaas Mathur <mathur.suhaas at gmail.com> wrote:
I wish to simulate a building which is trapezoidal in shape. The vertices are curved in shape rather than pointed. There is a continuous glass facade along the curve.
How can I create that curve in custom floor plan? The only way around to it that I know is to extrapolate the tangents from two sides to get them to meet at an intersection and make that approximation in the shape of the building.
Is there any other way to create that curve and specify the cladding on it?
Thanks in advance!
Suhaas Mathur
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