[Equest-users] DOE2.2 defaults

Julien Marrec julien.marrec at gmail.com
Wed Jan 7 07:00:25 PST 2015

Thanks Chris,

Very helpful tutorial, and the DIAGNOSTIC DEFAULTS is really useful!

I've got to say, I'm impressed by how much faster it runs in command line
v. eQuest.

If you happen to have to run with either eQuest 3-64 and 3-65 libs on a
regular basis and want to avoid having to modify the usrlib.dat each time,
you can easily modify the DOE22.BAT (or create an alternative version in
the same folder).

I've attached one that does that and also autoselects EXE48r as the
version, in case someone find it interesting (feel free to modify as you
see fit!)

Change the extension to .BAT (I put it as .txt because all antiviruses
freak when they see a bat file...)
Put it in the same folder at DOE22.BAT, and assuming your path is already
set, by typing in a command prompt "DOE22j" you'll get the full description
of its usage including examples.


Julien Marrec, EBCP, BPI MFBA
Energy&Sustainability Engineer
T: +33 6 95 14 42 13

LinkedIn (en) : www.linkedin.com/in/julienmarrec
LinkedIn (fr) : www.linkedin.com/in/julienmarrec/fr

2014-12-24 18:31 GMT+01:00 Jones, Christopher <cjones at halsall.com>:

>  Hi John,
> Yes, you can make changes in the .inp file then run with eQuest – for the
> most part.  But the DIAGNOSTIC DEFAULTS .. command gets stripped out of the
> .inp file when you load it back into eQuest.
> I use the command line for a number of reasons – speed, debugging, adding
> commands that eQuest doesn’t allow in the interface, etc.
> To run the command line version you first have to download the licensing
> agreement from doe2.com, then download the version of DOE2.2 that is
> close to the version eQuest is using.  The .sim file notes the DOE2.2
> version.  eQuest 3.65-7158 uses DOE2.2-48m.  I downloaded DOE2.2-48r which
> gives the same results as eQuest.
> Once you download the .zip file and extract it with the password you will
> be given when you get the license approved, you go to the doe22 folder and
> find DOE22.bat.  Edit this batch file to change:
> set doedir=<drive>:\<directory>\<subdirectory>
> to your setup.
> I then add the path to the doe22 folder to the environment path.  Control
> Panel/System/Advanced/Environment Variables/User variables for ??? – edit
> the Path value to add the path to doe22.
> Then you have to add the eQuest library to the usrlib.dat file in the
> EXE48r folder (depending on the version you downloaded).  On Windows 7, go
> to Documents\My Documents\eQUEST 3-65 Data\DOE-2 and open the eQ_lib.dat
> file in a text editor.  Copy all the lines to the usrlib.dat file.  Now you
> are set to run DOE2.2 from the command line.
> *Christopher Jones**,* P.Eng.
> Tel: 416.644.4226 • Toll Free: 1.888.425.7255 x 527
> *From:* John Aulbach [mailto:jra_sac at yahoo.com]
> *Sent:* Wednesday, December 24, 2014 11:47 AM
> *To:* Jones, Christopher; equest
> *Subject:* Re: [Equest-users] DOE2.2 defaults
> Hi Chris:
> I used to run DOE-2.1E from a Command line. How do you do it for 2.2?
> Can't you just make the changes in the .INP file, then run eQuest through
> normal means?
> John R. Aulbach, PE
> On Wednesday, December 24, 2014 6:01 AM, "Jones, Christopher" <
> cjones at halsall.com> wrote:
> eQuest and DOE2.2 have dozens of defaults that are not displayed in the
> .inp file.  You may not be getting the results you expect.  I just found a
> way to display all the defaults used for a project.
> You can’t do this in the eQuest interface.  You have to run the file from
> the command line using DOE2.2.  Edit the .inp file. At the top of the file
> is a section “Abort, Diagnostics”.  Add the command DIAGNOSTIC DEFAULTS ..
> Then run the file.  The .BDL file now shows all the keywords that are
> defaulted and their values.
> *Christopher Jones**,* P.Eng.
> Tel: 416.644.4226 • Toll Free: 1.888.425.7255 x 527
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REM Modified run file, takes in input file, weather file, eQuest version 
echo OFF
if "%1"=="" goto :nogood
set doedir=c:\doe22\
@REM Auto set the version to EXE48r
set doever=exe48r\
if not exist %doedir%%doever%doebdl.exe goto :nofile
if not exist %doedir%%doever%doesim.exe goto :nofile
if not exist %doedir%%doever%bdlkey.bin goto :nofile
if not exist %doedir%%doever%bdllib.dat goto :nofile
if not exist %doedir%%doever%bdldft.dat goto :nofile
if not exist %doedir%%doever%hdrfil.bin goto :nofile
if not exist %doedir%%doever%tdvctz.bin goto :nofile
goto :checkinp
echo *ERROR the directory %doedir%%doever% does not have all the required 
echo *      files needed to run the program.  Select the correct version or
echo *      load all the required files into the directory for the version
echo *      you have selected.  Required files are:
echo *
echo *           BDLKEY.BIN  - the BDL command/keyword library
echo *           BDLLIB.DAT  - the BDL CONSTRUCTION and MATERIAL library
echo *           BDLDFT.DAT  - the BDL SET-DEFAULT library
echo *           DOEBDL.EXE  - the BDL processor
echo *           DOESIM.EXE  - the SIMULATION processor
echo *           HDRFIL.BIN  - the report library
echo *           TDVCTZ.BIN  - the TDV database
echo *ERROR: First parameter MUST specify an input file
echo *
echo *      Correct usage of command as follows:
echo *       
echo *      DOE22 input weather library SAVE-FILES tfiles
echo *        
echo *      where   input - the BDL input file WITHOUT its .inp extension
echo *       
echo *              weather - packed weather file WITHOUT its .bin extension;
echo *                    these files must be in %doedir%weather
echo *
echo *              library - use either "3.64" or "3.65"
echo *
echo *              SAVE-FILES - (OPTIONAL)
echo *                    save or use intermediate results and report files
echo *       
echo *              tfiles - (OPTIONAL and only used if SAVE-FILES is used before)
echo *                    Base file name to be used for the intermediate
echo *                    results files.  Some files are used when doing a 
echo *                    SAVE-FILES run: LOADS results are on tfiles.ldo,
echo *                    SYSTEMS on tfiles.syo, PLANT on tfiles.plo, all use
echo *                    the design file (including ECONOMICS) on tmpfiles.dsn 
echo *                    Default is the input file name.
echo * 
echo *      Example of usage: 
echo *              DOE22j myinp myweather 3.65
echo *                    runs "myinp.inp" with "myweather" weather file,
echo *                    with eQ_Lib.365.dat as library
echo * 
echo *              DOE22j myinp myweather 3.64 SAVE-FILES
echo *                    runs "myinp.inp" with "myweather" weather file,
echo *                    with eQ_Lib.364.dat as library and saving
echo *                    intermediate files as "myinp.*"
echo * 
echo *              DOE22j myinp myweather 3.64 SAVE-FILES Intermediate
echo *                    runs "myinp.inp" with "myweather" weather file,
echo *                    with eQ_Lib.364.dat as library and saving
echo *                    intermediate files as "Intermediate.*"
goto :end
if exist %1.inp goto :checkwth
echo *ERROR: Input file (%1.inp) does not exist.
echo *       Input files to use include (leave off .inp extension):
dir /w *.inp
goto :nogood1
if exist %doedir%weather\%2.bin goto :start
echo *ERROR: Weather file (%doedir%weather\%2) not in library.
echo *       Weather files to use include (leave off .bin extension):
dir /w %doedir%weather\*.bin
goto :nogood1
echo ===== doe22: input file : %1 ,  weather : %2
echo ===== DOE-2 version: %doedir%%doever% =====
REM setup the DOE-2 environment for runtime file substitutions
call %doedir%doe22env SETUP %1 %2 %5
@REM Careful, I renamed the 364 library to match the other libraries pattern. For some reason it was "eQ_Lib-364.dat"
if "%3"=="3.64" set USRLIB.DAT=%doedir%%doever%eQ_Lib.364.dat
if "%3"=="3.65" set USRLIB.DAT=%doedir%%doever%eQ_Lib.365.dat
if not errorlevel 1 %doedir%%doever%doesim
REM clear all the file substitutions in the environment
call %doedir%doe22env RESET
copy     DOEBDL.LOG + DOESIM.LOG %1.log >nul
del DOE???.log
if "%4"=="SAVE-FILES" goto :end
if "%4"=="save-files" goto :end
REM   LOADS, SYSTEMS, and PLANT summary and verification reports intermediates
if exist %1.lrp del %1.lrp
if exist %1.srp del %1.srp
if exist %1.prp del %1.prp
REM   hourly report intermediate
if exist %1.hrp del %1.hrp
REM   hourly reports OPTION=BINARY-FILE
if exist %1.lin del %1.lin
if exist %1.sin del %1.sin
if exist %1.pin del %1.pin
REM   LOADS, SYSTEMS, and PLANT intermediate results
if exist %1.ldo del %1.ldo
if exist %1.syo del %1.syo
if exist %1.plo del %1.plo
REM   the design file
if exist %1.dsn del %1.dsn
REM   the control and standard files
if exist %1.ctr del %1.ctr
if exist %1.std del %1.std
REM   the user library (USRLIB) 
REM   the BDL macro output files
if exist %1.022 del %1.022
if exist %1.080 del %1.080
if "%3"=="3.64" echo ===== doe22 %1.inp %2.bin completed, with library eQ_Lib.364.dat =====
if "%3"=="3.65" echo ===== doe22 %1.inp %2.bin completed, with library eQ_Lib.365.dat =====
echo ON

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