[Equest-users] IBPSA-USA NY Regional Chapter | A Summer Solstice Celebration of Daylighting!
Cheryl M. Saldanha
CMSaldanha at sgh.com
Tue Jun 16 19:20:56 PDT 2015
IBPSA-USA New York Regional Chapter presents:
A Celebration of the Summer Solstice - Daylighting!
Location: Carpenter Norris Consulting, 145 Hudson St, New York, NY
Date & Time: Monday June 22, 2015 - 6:00 - 7:30 PM.
6:00-6:30 PM: Networking
6:30-6:50 PM: Creative uses of daylighting through analysis of various case studies, by Krista Palen, Transsolar Inc.
6:50-7:00 PM: Q&A
7:00-7:20 PM: Photon Flux Mapping / Daylighting Design, by Davidson Norris, Carpenter Norris Consulting
7:20-7:30 PM: Q&A
Click here to register: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/1498938180957150465<http://www.linkedin.com/redir/redirect?url=https%3A%2F%2Fattendee%2Egotowebinar%2Ecom%2Fregister%2F1498938180957150465&urlhash=8sRd&_t=tracking_anet>
Presentation #1: Case studies that demonstrate innovative approaches to daylighting design.
Presentation #2: In a dense urban environment, the sun's photons encounter a dense filter composed of surrounding buildings at different points of the compass along with different massing, form and material reflectances. As a result available sun or sky daylighting resources do not follow a simple elevation-by-elevation distribution as they might on a suburban site. Given the increased 3D complexity of the light resource map, how do you then rationally allocate costly building daylighting resources like shading, electrochromic glass, and electric light dimming systems as a function of orientation and elevation? This presentation will cover preliminary results of urban daylight studies that focus on New York City and that account for both thermal liabilities and daylighting benefits.
About the Speakers:
Krista Palen is a Project Engineer at the Transsolar New York team. Krista has a passion for design at the intersection of architecture, engineering, computation, and ecology. Her expertise in passive design includes daylight modelling, thermal simulation and natural ventilation design. Krista's varied education in environmental engineering, architecture and interdisciplinary design provides a unique skill set to manifest Transsolar's mission of creating elegant high comfort low energy buildings. Before joining Transsolar Krista worked as a teaching assistant at the Harvard GSD, as researcher with MIT's Sustainable Design Lab and a designer for at the Harvard Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Design. Prior to this Krista was a green building consultant in Toronto with Halsall Associates where she started the firm's passive design group.
Davidson Norris, is a principal, along with sculptor James Carpenter, of Carpenter Norris Consulting, an architecture, daylighting design and daylighting consulting firm based in New York City and founded in 1996. Mr. Norris is a graduate of the Yale School of Architecture. For the past ten years he has taught sustainable design and architectural daylighting courses at Columbia University School of Architecture. For the past two years, he has taught daylighting design in the Masters in Lighting program at the Parsons School of Constructed Environments. CNC's daylighting work has received awards from the Architectural League, IALD, ID magazine and the IES. Mr. Norris' architectural work has received awards from the US Department of Energy, Progressive Architecture, the Presidential Design Awards Program of the National Endowment for the Arts, the New York State Council on the Arts, the New York Foundation for the Arts, the National Trust for Historic Preservation and the MacDowell Colony. In 2014 he was selected a Fellow of the American Academy in Jerusalem where he over the course of 10 weeks he sought to define the Old City's Light of Place.
Cheryl M. Saldanha
Chair | IBPSA-USA NY Regional Chapter
Simpson Gumpertz & Heger
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/grp/home?gid=3058162
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