[Equest-users] (no subject)
Chris Baker
CBaker at cci-alliance.com
Fri Mar 6 02:40:55 PST 2015
The eap2 tables are a single excel file with manually typed inputs done by the modeler.
When u submit for leed the excel file accompanies other data when submitted - for example leed online.
The tables are big review items for leed reviewers I've seen.
They use the tables heavily and then review other data for inconsistencies such as happened here.
One theory is someone did the reports too early in the modeling process and as the modeling progressed the lighting demands were changed in equest to reflect actual design data but they forgot to update the excel file.
Fortunately this should be an easy fix. You just need to make sure that your typed in demand for lighting in the excel file eap2 tables (tab/sheet 5) matches the final summary report from equest.
All the numbers in the final equest report should be on one sheet.
But this should be pretty straightforward and painless.
You'll just need to update the excel file and send it back.
Your equest model should be fine unless the reviewer specifically sais otherwise.
- Chris in Alaska
Sent from my iPad
On Mar 6, 2015, at 1:11 AM, Harmon, Amy <aharmon at sbmce.com<mailto:aharmon at sbmce.com>> wrote:
I received the following comment back from USGBC and was hoping someone could help shed some light on this for me.
Table EAp2-5 indicates peak demands have been reported for the Baseline and Proposed cases; however, these values do not coincide with the energy modeling outputs provided. For example, Table EAp2-5 indicates the Proposed Case lighting peak is 879.8 MBH (257.8 kWh); however, the PS-F report indicates the peak Proposed Case lighting power is 34.022 KW. Review the energy modeling output reports and remove any demand value inconsistencies.
The project was designed around a uniform electric rate of $0.0703/kWh and this amount was entered in the Electric Utility Charge screen 4 of 7 in the wizard mode (photo attached).
Is the USGBC comment aimed at the utility rate or is it something that needs addressed back in Wizard mode? If so, how do I go about fixing it?
Any help / guidance is much appreciated.
Amy Harmon
Mechanical Engineer
Scheeser Buckley Mayfield LLC
1540 Corporate Woods Parkway
Uniontown, OH 44685
Phone: (330) 896-4664 ext. 107
Direct: (330) 526-2707
Fax: (330) 896-9180
aharmon at sbmce.com<mailto:aharmon at sbmce.com>
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<Electric Rate.JPG>
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