[Equest-users] Air-cooled, frictionless centrifugal chiller with free cooling option in eQUEST
Tom Mickley
tmickley at thekcompany.com
Tue Mar 17 08:11:30 PDT 2015
This spreadsheet was sent to me last year from a Smardt rep for a 90 ton Smardt chiller. It may help.
From: Equest-users [mailto:equest-users-bounces at lists.onebuilding.org] On Behalf Of Ng, Jason
Sent: Tuesday, March 17, 2015 10:24 AM
To: equest-users at lists.onebuilding.org
Subject: [Equest-users] Air-cooled, frictionless centrifugal chiller with free cooling option in eQUEST
Hello all,
I am modelling a new construction in eQUEST that uses a fairly new chiller product that I have not seen before. I was wondering if anyone has any experience modelling this Equipment:
It is a Smardt remote air cooled chiller (the chiller is in the basement but the condenser is on the roof 4 floors up). It uses frictionless magnetic bearings, it has 2 compressors and it has an option for water side free cooling which I can't seem to find any documentation on how it works exactly.
In eQUEST, I know that I cannot combine an air cooled chiller with the water side economizer option since I need a condenser loop for the water side economizer and I don't think eQUEST has any built-in performance curves for an air-cooled magnetic centrifugal chiller with 2 compressors. I don't have enough information from the equipment spec sheets to model my own curves either.
Does anyone have any ideas of the best way to model this?
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Jason Ng_ing. jr. M.Sc.A., LEED green associate
jng at bpa.ca<mailto:jng at bpa.ca> | www.bpa.ca<http://www.bpa.ca> | t: 5143833747x2813
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