[Equest-users] BEPS report not jiving with total energy consumption in LEED template
David Reddy
david at 360-analytics.com
Fri Mar 20 13:31:19 PDT 2015
Have you double-checked the billing units of the STEAM-METER (i.e. the
On 3/20/2015 1:04 PM, Nathan Miller wrote:
> Bruce,
> Don’t you have that reversed? In the BEPS report MBTU = 1,000,000 BTU,
> which would more commonly be MMBTU in industry jargon… Just do the
> math to convert kWh -> MBTU in some of the electric usage entries.
> Example:
> I have a job with 4.4 MBTU of electric usage for HP Supplement in the
> BEPS. 4.4 MBTU * 1,000,000 BTU/MBTU * 1 kWH/3413 BTU = 1289 kWh, which
> roughly lines up with the 1277 kWh reported in BEPU.
> You might find the LV-M report useful when looking at the units eQUEST
> uses, it shows 1 MWH = 3.412969 MBTU, but MWH most certainly DOES NOT
> equal KWh… as it also has a conversion for 1 kWh = 3.412969 kBTU…
> **
> *Nathan Miller, PE, LEED AP BD+C**– */Mechanical Engineer/Senior
> Energy Analyst/**
> *RUSHING*| *D*206-788-4577 |*O*206-285-7100
> *www.rushingco.com <http://www.rushingco.com/>***
> *From:*Equest-users
> [mailto:equest-users-bounces at lists.onebuilding.org] *On Behalf Of
> *Bruce Easterbrook
> *Sent:* Friday, March 20, 2015 3:47 PM
> *To:* Harmon, Amy; equest-users at lists.onebuilding.org
> *Subject:* Re: [Equest-users] BEPS report not jiving with total energy
> consumption in LEED template
> Hi Amy,
> Old US units, MBTU in eQuest is 1,000 BTU's, ie kBTU.
> Bruce Easterbrook P.Eng.
> Abode Engineering
> On 20/03/2015 03:06 PM, Harmon, Amy wrote:
> I received the following LEED reviewer comment.
> /The annual energy consumption for purchased chilled water and
> purchased steam has been reported in Table EAp2-4 and EAp2-5 in
> units of kBtu, whereas the eQuest BEPS reports the energy
> consumption in units of MBTU (million Btus). As a result the
> total annual energy consumption of 4,317 MMBtu for the Proposed
> Case and 5,663 MMBtu for the Baseline Case does not agree with the
> total energy consumption shown in the BEPS reports of 12,713 MMBtu
> for the Baseline Case. Please update the Form as required to
> ensure that Tables EAp2-4 and EAp2-5 accurately reflect the
> results reported in the eQUEST BEPS modeling output reports./
> I believe it deals with units but for the life of me I can’t get
> the numbers to jive. This project utilizes district steam and
> chilled water. I calculated the DES virtual steam rate is
> $16.57/MBtu and chilled water is $4.99/MBtu. I assume that’s
> 1,000,000 Btus and not 1,000 Btus). In the EAp2 template, I have
> my units of Energy for these set to kBtu and demand as MBH.
> Any help in troubleshooting this problem would be appreciated.
> Thanks!
> Amy Harmon
> Mechanical Engineer
> Scheeser Buckley Mayfield LLC
> 1540 Corporate Woods Parkway
> Uniontown, OH 44685
> Phone: (330) 896-4664 ext. 107
> Direct: (330) 526-2707
> Fax: (330) 896-9180
> aharmon at sbmce.com <mailto:aharmon at sbmce.com>
> www.sbmce.com <http://www.sbmce.com/>
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