[Hap-users] HAP (Hourly Analysis Program) software

Ricardo Marques rlicinio at iol.pt
Mon Apr 28 15:17:08 PDT 2008

Dear Sirs,

Addressing complements, allow me to introduce myself, my name is  
Ricardo Marques, I am mechanical engineering working in building  
simulation in a HVAC corporate. I work with the HAP (Hourly Analysis  
Program) software. I detected some mistakes, in the energy  
consumption, when I use the terminal units (4 – pipe fan coils or 2 –  
pipe fan coil) with common ventilation unit case (with precool coil  
and preheat coil). In this system, when I introduce a ventilation  
reclaim, the terminal cooling load (from the 2 pipe fan coil), in kWh,  
is larger than a system without the ventilation reclaim. Why this  
happen? The energy consumption should be the same because the  
ventilation reclaim only influence the precool coil and preheat coil.  
How can I resolve this problem?  Dears Sirs, If you know how to  
resolve this problem please contact me.

With the best regards,

Ricardo Marques

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