[Hap-users] Hap-users

Luke Yantis lukeyantis at eeace.com
Mon Feb 14 10:23:51 PST 2011


I am trying to model the following energy conservations measures in HAP 4.4 and so far have not found a way to do so. If anyone has done so before, or knows how to, please respond with any suggestions.

-          Boiler plant shuts off above 60F ambient

-          Thermal energy storage tank for chilled water (demand utility rate savings)

-          ECM motors in terminal units

-          Heating hot water supply temperature reset

-          Modeling part-load performance for an air-cooled chiller (manipulating performance map didn't work)


Luke Yantis
lukeyantis at eeace.com<mailto:lukeyantis at eeace.com>

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