[TRNSYS-users] COP and power consumption of the Heat Pump with PV cells

Milica Grahovac mgrahovac at ewk.ei.tum.de
Wed Oct 17 00:52:56 PDT 2012

Hello Wojciech,


I did the similar calculation for chillers+PV. As David wrote, power
consumed by the heat pump is an output, as well as the power generated by
the PV. If you subtract these two arrays (PV generated - HP consumed), the
positive values are the overproduction of PV (which can be, for example, fed
to the grid). Negative values represent the power that you need to purchase
from the grid. To quantify the difference in running costs compare the PV+HP
combination to the power consumption of the heat pump only, considering feed
in tariffs (if there are any at your location) and electricity prices.





From: David BRADLEY [mailto:d.bradley at tess-inc.com] 
Sent: 16 October 2012 17:18
To: Malik Wojciech
Cc: trnsys-users at cae.wisc.edu
Subject: Re: [TRNSYS-users] COP and power consumption of the Heat Pump with
PV cells


I am not familiar with Type401. However, there are a number of heat pump
models in the TESS Libraries and they probably work about the same. The
problem with the existing models from your point of view is that they take
the entering conditions (of air and water) and they compute the power
required by the heat pump. I am not aware of any heat pump models that take
power available as an input. I think you might still be able to achieve your
simulation however. You need to first find the threshold power above which
the heat pump can run (perhaps this would be the rated power? perhaps it
would be the lowest power listed in the performance data?) Run your PV array
and whenever its output power is above the heat pump's minimum allowable
power then run the heat pump. You can write an equation that will multiply
the thermostat's heat/cool signal by the PV's "power available" signal.

On 10/10/2012 03:33, Malik Wojciech wrote:



Could anybody give the prompt how to simulate and which components must be
used in Heat Pump system combined with the PV cells? 

The main assumptions that I have made are: Type 401 combined with Type 94a
and with the building Tpe56. It is possible that the PV will support power
consumption of the Heat Pump?

As an result of this simulation I would like to achieve information about
the COP (it depends of assumed parameters)  and how the COP value varies
depending on the season and the weather.

Also I would like to get information about the cost of this combination (PV+
HP) - how much money we can save using this combination. 

Do you have any ideas or suggestions how can I started this simulation and
which Types I should use? 


I will appreciate any kind of help.






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Thermal Energy Systems Specialists, LLC
22 North Carroll Street - suite 370
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d.bradley at tess-inc.com
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