[TRNSYS-users] Help Review Energy Efficiency Measure List for ASHRAE 1651-RP

Jason Glazer jglazer at gard.com
Wed Jan 9 13:04:59 PST 2013

For ASHRAE research project 1651-RP, we are trying to 
assemble a comprehensive list of energy efficiency measures 
that can be considered for new buildings covered by 90.1 
except for renewables. The project is titled: "Development 
of Maximum Technically Achievable Energy Targets for 
Commercial Buildings  (Ultra Low Energy Use Building Set)". 
Later we will be looking for the combination of measures 
that will result in the lowest  possible energy consumption 
for each building type using EnergyPlus.

Attached is a spreadsheet that describes the 320 energy 
efficiency measures gathered to date along with a report 
describing how the spreadsheet was assembled. The report 
also recommends enhancements to EnergyPlus. After we finish 
compiling the list, we will be choosing a subset of measures 
to simulate.

Your help is requested to add measures that are missing from 
the "EEMs" tab of the spreadsheet. Column A, the name of the 
measure, and Column D, the description, are the most 
important. When you add measures, if possible, please also 
add a web or literature source that describes the measure on 
the  "References" tab. Your input on any other portion of 
the spreadsheet is also welcome.

To learn more about how the list was assembled and the 
meaning of each column, a conference call is scheduled for 
Wednesday January 23 at 11am central. If you are interested 
in attending, please let me know and I will send you the 
connection information.

Please feel free forward this email and attachment to others 
who might be interested but please CC me when you do so I 
can keep track of who has received it.

If you have suggestions, it would be most helpful if you 
replied only to me with a revised version of the spreadsheet 
attached containing additional rows at the bottom of each 
tab with your input.

Please provide input no later than February 20, 2013.

Thank you for your help.


Jason Glazer, P.E., GARD Analytics, 90.1 ECB chair
Admin for onebuilding.org building performance mailing lists

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