[TRNSYS-users] naturel ventilation

mcdowell at tess-inc.com mcdowell at tess-inc.com
Tue Mar 26 09:39:37 PDT 2013


In the building wizard the term natural ventilation is used rather
than infiltration. What is meant is the air going from outside into the
zone at ambient conditions and not through a mechanical system. 


Timothy P. McDowell
Executive Vice President
Thermal Energy System
Specialists, LLC
22 N Carroll St, Suite 370
Madison, WI

On 2013-03-26 09:25, jihad alaoui sosse wrote: 

thank you very much for the answer 
> but I think, and you can correct
me if I Demart a project simulation studio it asks me to choose if I use
a natural or mechanical ventilation and the result is a type of one or
wrote (ON / OFF) I do not know how to integrate a simulation made with
not attending simulation studio see if the image attached 
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