[TRNSYS-users] Effect of Collector Slope on Collector Gain

dev sharma devsharmami at gmail.com
Thu May 23 06:33:11 PDT 2013


When I change the collector slope in Type 1b-2 (collector), the effect
on the energy collected by collector doesn't give a maxima at all.
Instead it keeps on increasing somewhat linearly.

I have noticed that Meteonorm file (read by Type 15-6) also gives
surface slope as the output. In this case this output is similar to
lattitude so I presume that all the calculations are performed within
the weather file for incident radiation on the inclined surface.

How can I vary the slope of the collector then? Do I have to modify
the Meteonorm file? How can I plot a curve of Useful energy of the
collector Vs Collector Slope. ?

Thanks a lot!!!

Dev Sharma
Erasmus Mundus Masters in Sustainable Energy
KTH, Stockholm & UPC, Barcelona
Mobile: +34635104882 (Spain)

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