[TRNSYS-users] Asking about How to simulate the COOLING LOAD by running SIMULATION STUDIO

David BRADLEY d.bradley at tess-inc.com
Mon Feb 17 08:30:08 PST 2014

  Each component (Type) in a TRNSYS simulation computes output values as 
a function its input values. A component is chosen because it calculates 
output values that are needed as the inputs to other models. For 
example, Type56 requires an input value called the "effective sky 
temperature." This value is computed by a model called Type69.

   I would highly recommend that you start learning TRNSYS by reading 
the 01-GettingStarted manual located in the ..\Trnsys17\Documentation\ 
directory. You can then look at some of the example simulations that are 
located in ..\Trnsys17\Examples (particularly the "restaurant" example) 
to become more familiar with simulating buildings using Type56. If you 
have specific questions about what model might be appropriate for 
computing the value required as an input to a particular model then 
either your distributor's technical support hotline or this forum can 
provide some direction.
Kind regards,

On 2/16/2014 20:15, Tung Nguyen Huy wrote:
> Dear All,
> I'd like to ask you guys about how to simulate the cooling load for an 
> apartment by running simulation studio.
> My senior gave me a SIMULATION FILE and asked me to replace my BUIFILE 
> into that file to run. Her file includes Type16c, Type9e, Type69b, 
> Type33e, Building (type56), and Type65c. Actually, I don't understand 
> why she chose those types.
> *Can you explain to me, how and why can I choose which types for my 
> simulation? *
> *
> *
> Thank you so much!
> P/s. I also attach a screenshot about my senior-simulation file.
> Sincerely,
> Tung
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Thermal Energy Systems Specialists, LLC
22 North Carroll Street - suite 370
Madison, WI  53703 USA

d.bradley at tess-inc.com


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