[TRNSYS-users] Capacitance clarification in TYPE536

David BRADLEY d.bradley at tess-inc.com
Mon Mar 3 13:59:05 PST 2014

   The capacitance should account for the thermal capacitance of the 
entire array (collectors, manifolds, fluid etc.). A single differential 
equation governs the array; there are not separate but coupled 
differential equations for the fluid and for the array itself. Since we 
do not have a second differential equation, we distribute the 
capacitance of the entire array into the number of collector nodes.
Kind regards,

On 2/26/2014 09:57, Sharma Dev wrote:
> Dear Admins,
> Parameter 14 : Capacitance of Collector, is "Capacitance of a solar 
> collector" or "Capacitance of the array of collectors" ?
> My confusion arises from the fact that in variable details, it is 
> specified as "The capacitance of the solar collector and fluid it 
> contains" i.e Single collector. Whereas in source code, nodal capacity 
> is calculated by dividing this parameter by the number of collectors 
> (number of series * number in parallel ).
> Thanks
> Dev Sharma
> Institute for Renewable Energy
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d.bradley at tess-inc.com


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