[Bldg-sim] Announcement: Professional VisualDOE 3.0 Training

Tianzhen Hong thong at eley.com
Fri Aug 30 10:17:43 PDT 2002



Professional VisualDOE 3.0 Training


Eley Associates is pleased to announce an upcoming VisualDOE 3.0
professional training. This two-day course provides hands-on DOE-2.1E
simulation experience and covers the full range of VisualDOE 3.0


For the first time we will also offer an optional third day to focus on
using VisualDOE 3.0 to perform LEED (Leadership in Energy and
Environmental Design) energy saving calculations. Please read on for
more details and registration information.


October 09th & 10th, 2002. Optional October 11th, 2002 specially for
training on using VisualDOE 3.0 for LEED energy analysis. (The third day
training will be provided as long as we have at least four


9:00 am - 5:00 pm. Participants are responsible for their own lunch
(12:00 - 1:00 pm). (Light refreshments will be served).


Eley Associates, 142 Minna Street, 2nd Floor, San Francisco, CA 94105

(between 3rd Street and New Montgomery)


A Laptop computer with VisualDOE 3.0 program installed. Please run
GDTLiveUpdate to ensure that the latest version is installed.  We will
also provide an evaluation copy of VisualDOE 3.0 for participants who
don't own a license. Training will begin promptly at 9:00 am, so please
be sure to arrive at least 10 minutes prior for setup. A limited number
of computers may be available on site by prior arrangement.

Training Materials

A CD-ROM with latest version of VisualDOE 3.0 and training materials
will be distributed on the first day of training. A certificate of
VisualDOE training will also be presented at the end of the training.

Training Fee

Two-Day training (October 9 & 10, 2002) - $750

Three-Day training (October 9, 10 & 11, 2002) - $1000

Third day only training (LEED energy analysis with VisualDOE) - $400


Please contact us if you would like recommendations for nearby


For registration, please provide the following information (indicate on
the Subject Line: Registration of VisualDOE 3.0 Training 2002).


1. Number of participants attending

2. Name of participants, title & position

3. Name of company, address, and contact information

4. Indicate if you are a New User, Existing User, or a 2.6 User

5. Payment method. Visa or Master Card is preferred. Please provide
credit card type, number, holder name, expiration date, billing address,
and authorization number.

6. Upon receipt of your registration, a confirmation message will be
sent to you via email


Please contact Michael or Patricia for registration or further

Phone: (415)957-1977 ext. 101/105

Fax: (415)957-1381

Email: patricia at eley.com, mhassid at eley.com, or support at eley.com


A training agenda is attached. For users of earlier versions, there is
also a summary of the benefits to upgrading to VisualDOE 3.0.


Thank you and we look forward to seeing you.




VisualDOE Training Team 


support at eley.com





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