[bldg-sim] IBPSA-Scotland announcement: EnergyPlus overview and workshop in Glasgow
Jon Hand
jon at esru.strath.ac.uk
Tue Mar 16 09:19:45 PST 2004
SESG Introduction and Workshop on EnergyPlus
University of Strathclyde, 21-22 April 2004
An overview of EnergyPlus
21 April 2004, M329 James Weir Building of the University
of Strathclyde 75 Montrose Street, Glasgow G1 1XJ.
Registration 9:00, session 9:30 am - 12 followed by a light lunch
IBPSA-Scotland, also known as the Scottish Energy Systems
Group are organizing an EnergyPlus overview and workshop.
The morning session is your chance to find out more about
the EnergyPlus building energy simulation program, developed
by the U. S. Department of Energy and which is under discussion
for use as a UK compliance tool for the European Energy
Performance of Buildings Directive. Dru Crawley, the programme
manager and prime motive force for EnergyPlus at the DoE, will
be presenting this overview and the workshop that will follow.
If you are in professional practice and are curious about
EnergyPlus and how its possible adoption might impact upon
your company, the way you do business and how you interact
with your clients, then this is your opportunity to hear
from the source about current facilities and capabilities
of EnergyPlus. This introduction and the workshop to follow
will present the critical information you will need to allow
you to decide how EnergyPlus might be integrated into your
professional practice, the resources required to adapt your
computational resources and working practices.
This overview will also be of interest to policy makers and
planners in local and regional governmental bodies who will
be involved in the Energy Performance Directive and who need
to find out the underlying capabilities of EnergyPlus to be
in a better position to influence the details of the
implementation of the directive if EnergyPlus is selected.
The overview will also be of interest to those who have
already begun to explore EnergyPlus and who are curious
about features of the newest version, Version 1.2, (which
will be released in early April 2004) such as:
* Calculation of environmental impacts (greenhouse and
precursor gases, criteria pollutants) from electricity
and fuel use
* Bi-directional daylight calculations using radiosity
for complex fenestration
* Displacement ventilation
* Latent capacity degradation on cooling coils
* Demand-controlled ventilation
* Building integrated PV and solar thermal systems
* HVAC system diagramming tool
A more complete list of features is available on the EnergyPlus
web site: www.energyplus.gov.
We expect this overview to be popular and seating is limited
so please book early. The overview is free to all.
Hands-On EnergyPlus Workshop
21-22 April 2004 1:30 PM - 5:30 PM (21st), 9:30-5:00 PM (22nd)
The objective of this course is to introduce EnergyPlus to
those who are already familiar with the basic concepts of
energy simulation. The course will cover the mechanics of
using EnergyPlus with an emphasis on aspects of EnergyPlus
such as multiple time-step approach, integrated simulation
of loads, systems and plant, and defining fluid and air
flow loops. It will discuss the basic techniques involved
in applying simulation tools appropriately during the
building design process, for example, comparing two or
more alternative systems. Time will be set aside to allow
participants to model basic building envelopes and systems
using the latest version of EnergyPlus. Each session will
include time for questions and answers.
Session 1 - EnergyPlus Features and Benefits
Session 2 - Overview, Global Inputs, Outputs, and Auxiliary Tools
Session 3 - Defining a Building
Session 4 - Building Geometry and Internal Loads
Session 5 - HVAC Overview, Sizing Options, and Controls
Session 6 - HVAC Air-Side Equipment
Session 7 - HVAC Water-Side Loops
Session 8 - HVAC Water-Side Equipment, Auto-Sizing, and Templates
Session 9 - Support, Summary and Miscellaneous
The workshop is limited to 15 places. The workshop fee is 250
Pounds for non-members and 175 Pounds for SESG members. A
laptop computer will be required for all participants for
use during the workshops. SESG will provide five machines
(be sure to indicate whether you require one of these).
Participants are expected to have the latest version of
EnergyPlus (Version 1.1) installed on their laptop prior
to arriving at the workshop. This is available for download
from http://www.energyplus.gov/. Participants will be
informed of the availability of Version 1.2 prior to the course.
Other software requirements include: Adobe Acrobat 5.0 or
later to view PDF files, a text editor such as WordPad or
Notepad to view example input files, a spreadsheet program
to view CSV formatted output files, and Autodesk VoloView
Express for viewing DXF files. If you require assistance
in downloading any of the above please contact SESG prior
to the event.
Reply form:
email to (Kathleen Whyte) kathleen at sesg.strath.ac.uk
[ ] I will attend the EnergyPlus overview.
[ ] I would like to take part in the EnergyPlus workshop.
[ ] I would like to use one of the SESG computers during the workshop.
Name _____________________________________
Company _________________________________
Phone _____________________________________
Fax _______________________________________
Email _____________________________________
The SESG web site is http://www.sesg.strath.ac.uk
Regards, Jon Hand & Lori McElroy at the Scottish Energy Systems Group.
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