Vikram Sami
Vikram at ensargroup.com
Tue Mar 9 12:28:38 PST 2004
A project I'm currently workinghas a slightly complicated electricity rate . I have already tried breaking up the rates into 2 blocks - the first one is an energy block, and the next one is a kWh/Kw block, but it doesnt seem to go to the kwh/kw rate even when the ratio is over 200kwh/kw. Is there something I am missing, or is it just something that cant be modelled in eQUEST?
Vikram Sami
Ensar Group Inc.
2305 Broadway
Boulder, CO 80304
Tel: (303) 449-5226
Fax: (303) 449-5276
Base Charge........................................................................................................ $14.00
All consumption (kWh) not greater than
200 hours times the billing demand:
First 3,000 kWh ................................................................. at ............................. 8.757¢ per kWh
Next 7,000 kWh ................................................................. at ............................. 8.026¢ per kWh
Next 190,000 kWh ............................................................. at ............................. 6.910¢ per kWh
Over 200,000 kWh............................................................. at ............................. 5.355¢ per kWh
All consumption (kWh) in excess of 200
hours and not greater than 400 hours
times the billing demand ...................................................... at ............................. 0.892¢ per kWh
All consumption (kWh) in excess of 400
hours and not greater than 600 hours
times the billing demand ...................................................... at ............................. 0.672¢ per kWh
All consumption (kWh) in excess of 600
hours times the billing demand ........................................... at ............................. 0.586¢ per kWh
Minimum Monthly Bill:
A. $14.00 Base Charge plus $6.42 per kW of billing demand in excess of 30 kW plus excess kVAR
charges and Fuel Cost Recovery as applied to the current month kWh.
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