[BLDG-SIM] Job Opening - Energy Analyst

Pam Pulliam ppulliam at bhengineers.com
Tue Sep 14 10:22:01 PDT 2004

Energy Analyst
Balzhiser & Hubbard Engineers, a multidisciplinary mid-Willamette Valley
consulting engineering firm, is seeking experienced personnel for our
growing Energy Department. Candidates should poses experience in building
energy use assessment, computer modeling (eQuest/DOE2.2e preferred),
familiarity with building systems (mechanical, electrical, and
architectural), experience with energy incentive programs, cost estimating,
and standard software packages such as AutoCAD. College level
(undergraduate, or graduate) coursework in building energy use/simulation is
desirable. Licensure in mechanical or electrical engineering (EIT or PE), or
Certified Energy Manager certificate are desirable. Candidates should have
good written and oral communication skills, with an emphasis on report
writing and documentation using Word. Salary commensurate with experience.
Send resume to 100 West 13th Ave, Eugene, Oregon, 97401, or e-mail your
resume to info at bhengineers.com Attention: Energy Department.

Pamela J. Pulliam, PE, LEED AP
Balzhiser & Hubbard Engineers
100 West 13th Avenue
Eugene, Oregon 97401
(541) 686-8478
fax (541) 345-5303

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