[bldg-sim] Operable Windows

Gwelen Paliaga gpaliaga at taylor-engineering.com
Tue Jan 18 14:29:09 PST 2005


Check out the references below.  Unfortunately, all the studies of occupant use of operable windows have all taken place in naturally ventilated buildings.  We know anecdotally that people use their windows differently if they have mechanical cooling, primarily because there is no thermal feedback that prompts people to open their windows.  

1)  Daly, Allan, "O P E R A B L E W I N D O W S and HVAC Systems", HPAC Engineering, December 2002
       - Energy simulations are presented that assume different occupant window use patterns.

2)  Inkarojrit, V., Paliaga, G., "Indoor climatic influences on the operation of windows in a naturally ventilated building", Plea2004 - The 21th Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, September 2004
		 - Field measurements of window use patterns in a naturally ventilated office building and associated predictive models 			of window use based on outdoor temperature.

3) Warren, P.R., & Parkins, L.M. (1984). Window opening behavior in office buildings. ASHRAE Transactions 90(1B): 1056-1076.

Gwelen Paliaga
Taylor Engineering, LLC
Mechanical Designer, LEED A.P.
1305 Marina Village Parkway, Suite 101, Alameda CA 94501-1028
(510) 749-9135 office, (510) 749-9136 fax, (510) 852-1565 mobile
gpaliaga at taylor-engineering.com
From: postman at gard.com [mailto:postman at gard.com] On Behalf Of Mickey Bush
Sent: Tuesday, January 18, 2005 1:13 PM
To: bldg-sim at gard.com
Subject: [bldg-sim] Operable Windows

I am working on an energy study for a building considering installing operable windows in the offices which would be tied into the VAV boxes.  The sequence calls for the office VAV box to fully close when the office window is opened.  We think this a good sequence, but the problem is quantifying the potential savings.  
Does anyone know of any studies that deal with office occupant's tendencies toward opening windows? (How often during various outside air conditions windows are left open?)  Any links to published studies or techniques that people have used in the past would be appreciated.
Mickey Bush
DMI, Inc.
450 Lexington St. Newton, MA 02466
Phone: 617-527-1525 x101
Fax: 617-527-6606

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