[BLDG-SIM] Heat recovery in eQUEST (yes - another question)

Vikram Sami VSami at lasarchitect.com
Tue May 31 15:43:07 PDT 2005

I followed the method suggested earlier to model the heat recovery system (Renee's email). I set the ERV type to 'enthalpy wheel', with the make up air temp ctrl set to mixed air reset & capacity control to ' trim economizer's (the design engineer suggested this was the closest to the designed system). 
The overall savings shown were minute, with a penalty shown on the electric side in fans (this I had foreseen from additional static pressure needed to drive the air through the enthalpy wheel) & space cooling (this was surprising - especially since the base system had humidity controlled at 50%). The space heating was the only thing which showed considerable savings.
Am I missing something, or does this mean that the system (a Semco ERV unit) is probably not great for this climate (Asheville, NC). 
I would appreciate any insight into this
Vikram Sami,  LEED AP 
Direct Phone 404-253-1466 | Direct Fax  404-253-1366 

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