[bldg-sim] Retail Store Infiltration

Jeff Haberl jeffhaberl at tees.tamus.edu
Fri Nov 18 06:09:34 PST 2005

Try the POS records from an existing, similar store as a proxy. 

BB 8=!  8=)  :=)  8=)  ;=)  8=)  8=(  8=)  :=')  8=)  8=)  8=? BB

Jeff S. Haberl, Ph.D., P.E.............................jhaberl at esl.tamu.edu

Professor......................................................Office Ph: 979-845-6507

Department of Architecture.......................Lab Ph: 979-845-6065 

Energy Systems Laboratory.......................FAX: 979-862-2457 

Texas A&M University..............................77843-3581

College Station, Texas, USA.......................URL: www-esl.tamu.edu

BB 8=/  8=)  :=)  8=)  ;=)  8=)  8=()  8=) 8=?  8=)  8=)  8= BB

-----Original Message-----
From: bldg-sim at gard.com <bldg-sim at gard.com>
To: bldg-sim at gard.com <bldg-sim at gard.com>
Sent: Wed Nov 16 20:25:19 2005
Subject: [bldg-sim] Retail Store Infiltration

Hello Bldg_simers,

Can anyone point me to any re/sources for diversity factors or schedules of air infiltration through doors for a large single retail store?

I am developing a DOE2 schedule and would like to have some practical numbers to start with. If anybody has a method to determine such factors or any relevant data-sets that they can direct me to that would be great.

Thank you all. Any help will be greatly appreciated.    

Vaibhav Potnis 
Contact - 503-467-4724
vaipotnis at hotmail.com


	From: Christine Lee <chrlee at gmail.com>
	Reply-To: chrlee at ucla.edu
	To: <bldg-sim at gard.com>
	Subject: [bldg-sim] Green Architect Needed
	Date: Wed, 16 Nov 2005 16:15:54 -0800
	>My name is Christine Lee and I am a graduate student of Civil and
	>Environmental Engineering at UCLA. I am currently part of a student
	>organization called Engineers without Borders (www.ewb-ucla.org).
	>We will be conducting two construction projects in the upcoming year:
	>one of which is to design and build an energy efficient, low cost and
	>seismic resistant home as a model for the communities in Pakistan that
	>were severely affected by the earthquake. Our second project consists
	>of designing a two story health clinic for a village in India.
	>I see the members of the list as a community of
	>socially/environmentally concerned professionals, engineers,
	>researchers, and scientists from whom these kinds of issues and
	>projects would be relevant. If anyone can provide me with contact or
	>is interested in filling an advisory position as a green architect for
	>the above projects, our student group and the communities we are
	>working with would be extremely grateful and infinitely benefited and
	>Thank you for your attention. Please email me at chrlee at gmail.com
	>should you have any comments or suggestions.
	>Christine Lee
	>Engineers without Borders - UCLA
	>University of California, Los Angeles
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