[bldg-sim] (Fwd) FW: AEDG-SR 65% Draft - Peer Review

Jason Glazer jglazer at gard.com
Mon Feb 6 13:02:44 PST 2006

The ASHRAE Advanced Energy Design Guide for Small Retail is 
out for public review. Anyone can comment.  You can 
download the draft and the comment form from the following 



------- Forwarded message follows -------
Subject:	FW: AEDG-SR 65% Draft - Peer Review
Date sent:	Mon, 6 Feb 2006 14:47:38 -0500
From:	"Davis, Teri" <tdavis at ashrae.org>

Attached is the Peer Review Process for reviewing the
Technical Refinement Draft (65% completion) of the AEDG for
Small Retail Buildings.  The Peer Review Draft itself is
located at
y/5825;jsess ionid=aaa-980JzRluSp, or you may find it on
ASHRAE's website by going to the following links from the
Home Page: Technology & Standards/Special Projects/Advanced
Energy Design Guides.

------- End of forwarded message -------
Jason Glazer, P.E.  jglazer AT gard DOT com  847 698 5686
GARD Analytics - http://www.gard.com/
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