[BLDG-SIM] Victorville Weather Data

Joe Llona jllona at cdiengineers.com
Thu Jul 13 08:06:45 PDT 2006


Victorville is climatically much more similar to Barstow than Riverside.
Victorville's about 1,000 ft higher in elevation than Barstow though.  

You might want to check out Air Force climatic data also, Edwards AFB
would be pretty similar to Victorville, but I'd be willing to bet
Victorville/Barstow/Edwards AFB are all very similar.

Joe Llona, P.E., LEED(r) AP 
Director of Sustainable Design 
CDi Engineers 
Phone (425) 672-1071 
Fax (425) 778-8769 
E-mail jllona at cdiengineers.com 

"You must be the change you want to see in the world." - Ghandi


> -----Original Message-----
> From: BLDG-SIM at gard.com [mailto:BLDG-SIM at gard.com] On Behalf 
> Of Ian Doebber
> Sent: Wednesday, July 12, 2006 8:53 PM
> To: BLDG-SIM at gard.com
> Subject: [BLDG-SIM] Victorville Weather Data
> I'm interested in weather data for Victorville, CA.  The 
> closest I can find on the E+ website is Barstow, CA and 
> Riverside, CA.  The ASHRAE Handbook has design conditions for 
> Victorville. Therefore I'm curious whether Victorville 
> weather data exists and if so, how can I get it.  If it 
> doesn't exist, can anyone recommend Barstow or Riverside as 
> representative of Victorville climate.  Thanks in advance
> Ian
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