[bldg-sim] Simulation of Production Halls

John Olson johnaugustolson at hotmail.com
Tue Jun 6 04:22:15 PDT 2006

Greetings Group,

I am a graduate student studying building service technology at the 
University of Applied Sciences in Munich, Germany. I am attempting to 
compare various indirect evaporative cooling systems in a large production 
hall with displacement ventilation. Because the secondary air flow is (in 
some configurations) extracted near the ceiling, I expect the effects of 
stratification to be significant. Does anyone have experience defining such 
a space or know of existing literature which might be of help?

The possible solutions I see are: coupling air flow with multiple zones 
(stacked), defination of plenum space or multiple nodes in a single zone. 
Each possibility seems feasible, but I lack the experience to know which 
assumptions are necessary to obtain realistic results. The simulation should 
be on (at least) an hourly basis.

I am aware that this topic is not particularly new and have seen multiple 
similar inquiries, but have not yet found a satisfying solution.

I have access to both TRNSYS and EPlus. The results of the simulations are 
to be included in my Masters Thesis, in which I will compare 
investment/operating costs of various industrial hvac solutions for 
production facilities.

Any English or German language responses would be greatly appreciated!


John Olson

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