[BLDG-SIM] Software for Modelling Ventilation and Thermal Mass

Drury.Crawley at EE.DOE.GOV Drury.Crawley at EE.DOE.GOV
Thu Jun 8 16:13:46 PDT 2006

DesignBuilder is one of several interfaces that will speed
your development of an EnergyPlus file.  The ground heat
transfer in EnergyPlus is based on measured data
and methods.  EnergyPlus is geared to deal with heavy
mass (thermal and moisture transfer and storage), as well
as natural and mechanical ventilation.

(A web interface to EnergyPlus for simple buildings will
be released soon.  More on that later.)

                      "Jeff Haberl"                                                                           
                      <jeffhaberl at tees.ta      To: BLDG-SIM at GARD.COM                                          
                      mus.edu>                 cc:                                                            
                      Sent by:                 Subject:  [BLDG-SIM] Software for Modelling Ventilation and    
                      BLDG-SIM at GARD.COM           Thermal Mass                                                
                      06/08/2006 12:18 PM                                                                     
                      Please respond to                                                                       


Although the ground heat transfer in EnergyPlus is more accurate, we've
found that DOE-2.1e does a reasonable job if you use Winklemann's method
for effective U-values, this has also been updated again in the new Huang
et al. method.

This works best when driven by the synthetic ground temps from TMY2.
Results from a comparison against measured ground temperatures for a
Habitat House in Texas show good agreement with both methods.


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Jeff S. Haberl, Ph.D., P.E.............................jhaberl at esl.tamu.edu
Professor......................................................Office Ph:
Department of Architecture.......................Lab Ph: 979-845-6065
Energy Systems Laboratory.......................FAX: 979-862-2457
Texas A&M University..............................77843-3581
College Station, Texas, USA.......................URL: www-esl.tamu.edu
8=/  8=)  :=)  8=)  ;=)  8=)  8=()  8=)  :=)  8=)  8=!  8=)  8=?  8=)  8=)

From: BLDG-SIM at GARD.COM [mailto:BLDG-SIM at GARD.COM] On Behalf Of Tupper,
Sent: Thursday, June 08, 2006 11:05 AM
Subject: [BLDG-SIM] Software for Modelling Ventilation and Thermal Mass

I'm currently working on a project in Berkeley, CA with an underground
concrete building with very high thermal mass.  We would like to avoid air
conditioning by mechanically ventilating the building at night, and would
like to model this for some preliminary results.

Does anyone have any suggestions for an appropriate software program to
model this?  Are the ground heat transfer/thermal mass modeling
capabilities of DOE 2.2 are sufficient to model this project in eQuest or
Visual DOE?

Right now, we are planning on using EnergyPlus, but I wanted to make sure
there wasn't another (less time consuming option) out there!  Does anyone
know if any of the EnergyPlus interfaces could handle this (i.e. Design

Thank you!


Kendra Tupper


405 Howard Street               415.398.3833 Main

Suite 500                       415.402.5840 Direct

San Francisco, CA 94105         415.433.5311 Fax

http://www.flackandkurtz.com    kendra.tupper at sf.fk.com

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