[BLDG-SIM] Multiple building shells and the impact on mech equipment

Mark Nieman MARKN at McKinstry.com
Mon Sep 11 08:33:33 PDT 2006

Scott, I believe John is right. eQUEST will model the spaces as each
shell is defined (i.e. if you have an external wall defined colliding
with a space, it will model as an external wall). One way I've
successfully used the DD Wizard to define an adiabatic wall is to define
a larger footprint and then define a zone that doesn't intersect with
one of the outer walls. The walls are only created depending on the zone
in relation to the footprint defined. Therefore if a zone wall is on the
same plane as the footprint wall, you'll get an outer wall. When a zone
wall is inside the footprint, you get an adiabatic, interior wall. This
saves going into the detailed interface at this point.

Mark Nieman, PE, CEM 
Sr. Energy Engineer 
McKinstry Essention 
Direct: (206) 832-8152 
Cell: (206) 510-4760 
FAX: (206) 832-8552 
http://www.mckinstry.com <http://www.mckinstry.com/>  
"For The Life Of Your Building" 

Date: Mon, 11 Sep 2006 07:41:24 -0700 (PDT)
From: John Aulbach <jra_sac at yahoo.com>
Subject: [BLDG-SIM] Multiple building shells and the impact on mech


If I understand you correctly, you have some of your shells spatially
overlapping one another. I believe your question is if somehow the two
areas will mix load.

I believe the answer is no. I have mistakenly placed multiple shell
virtually one on top of another (not knowing I had done it), and eQUEST
performed the simulation with no errors, and as if I had these two
shells independent (one was supposed to be a 1st floor and another a 2nd
floor - I had forgotten to use the Z component to raise the 2nd floor

I hope this is the answer what you are asking.


From: BLDG-SIM at GARD.COM [mailto:BLDG-SIM at GARD.COM] On Behalf Of Scott
Sent: Monday, September 11, 2006 6:10 AM
Subject: [BLDG-SIM] Multiple building shells and the impact on mech

I am modeling a building using multiple building shells to eliminate
work in detailed interface mode. The shells are joined by an adiabatic


In one case, due to my modeling technique, the real zone over laps from
one shell to another. In equest, I have created separate zones for these
spaces, However, I have assigned them to the same air handler vav


Will this work properly, and closely simulate the real situation?


Is there a better approach?


Scott Runyon 


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