[Bldg-sim] Title-24 modeling w/ eQUEST

gaurav mehta gmehta75 at gmail.com
Thu Jan 24 10:00:26 PST 2008

I ran into a similar problem myself and it was just a few days before the
deadline. Having received no support from the eQuest developers, I had to
rebuild the model in EnergyPro.

However, I would like to add here that the project I was dealing with has
a complex geometry- the whole building is curvilinear and has sloping roofs
and it helped that I had a 3D eQuest model. I had to print some 170 pages
(85 back to back) of LV-C Report and then input some 120 or so external
walls and roofs into EnergyPro. I was not at all happy doing that in a
matter of 1 day (and night).

In case my email gives an impression of being positive in terms of Title 24
compliance and using eQuest then I would like emphasize - I would never ever
use eQuest for Title 24 compliance.

Best regards,

Gaurav Mehta

Sustainable Building Analyst

Stantec Consulting

On 1/24/08, Ellen Franconi <EFranconi at archenergy.com> wrote:
>  We haven't had much success using the Title-24 wizard within eQUEST. We
> get errors that we can't track that prevent the proposed design from
> demonstrating compliance. We've gotten simple buildings to work but none of
> the more complex ones that we usually construct. While we have contacted the
> eQUEST developers, we have not received any support to aid us in trouble
> shooting the errors. As a result, we have had to build a second model in
> EnergyPro so that we could demonstrate compliance.
> What has other people's experience been? Have other firms also had
> problems with the Title-24 wizard? If so, do you use eQUEST in conjunction
> with EnergyPro? Do you do all the design assistance analysis AND the
> compliance analysis in EnergyPro? And then for CA projects there may also be
> a need to do Savings-By-Design calculations? Are people running into the
> same problem there with eQUEST?
> Thanks for any insights you can provide.
> Ellen
> Ellen Franconi, Ph.D., LEED AP
> Energy Analysis Group Manager
> Architectural Energy Corporation
> 2540 Frontier Avenue
> Boulder, CO 80301
> tel. 303-444-4149
> fax 303-444-4303
> efranconi at archenergy.com
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