[Bldg-sim] eQuest/DOE2.2 - Why is this not qualified EPAct 2005 software?

Eric Studer estuder at dmiinc.com
Thu Jun 26 09:12:45 PDT 2008



Does anyone know why eQuest/DOE2.2 is not included in the list of qualified
software that can be used to apply for EPAct 2005 Federal Tax incentives?
The current list includes DOE-2.1-E and DOE-2.1E-JJH as well as Energy Plus,
VisualDOE, Trace 7000, and others.


It seems like eQuest is one of the more popular modeling software packages
used for LEED energy modeling - should I stop using it because DOE2.2 and
eQuest are not registered as qualifying software?  If Trace 7000 and
VisualDOE can be qualified, eQuest certainly should be.






Ph:   (781) 431-1100 ext 12
Fax:  (781) 431-1109


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