[Bldg-sim] TMY3 Released with 1020 US Locations
Joe Huang
joe at drawbdl.com
Thu May 15 10:02:34 PDT 2008
As I mentioned in a previous BLDG-SIM post yesterday, you must change the
station number from 6 numbers to 5 in both the INPUT.TMP file and the first
header line of the TMY3/TMY2, i.e., WEATHR.TMP, file. If you don't, you will
either get a warning that the station number in the INPUT.TMP is too big, or
another one that the station number doesn't exist on the WEATHR.TMP file.
Joe Huang
White Box Technologies
----- Original Message -----
From: "Horowitz, Scott" <Scott_Horowitz at nrel.gov>
To: <bldg-sim at onebuilding.org>
Sent: Thursday, May 15, 2008 8:30 AM
Subject: Re: [Bldg-sim] TMY3 Released with 1020 US Locations
> The DOE2 documentation is a little confusing in this regard. Here are
> the general steps:
> 1. Copy your TMY2 file to DOE2's EXENT directory and rename to
> 2. Create a file called INPUT.TMP in the EXENT directory
> 3. In the INPUT.TMP file, put the following text. Be sure to replace the
> city, state, and station number as appropriate for your location. You
> can find this information in the first line of the TMY2 file.
> TMY2 23183
> 4. Run the DOEWTH.EXE executable (it will automatically use the
> WEATHR.TMP and INPUT.TMP files above as inputs). This will create a
> NEWTH.TMP file in the EXENT directory that is your bin weather file for
> use with DOE2. Just rename to Location.bin and you're set.
> Scott
> --
> Scott Horowitz
> Center for Buildings & Thermal Systems
> National Renewable Energy Laboratory
> 1617 Cole Blvd.
> Golden, CO 80401
> 303.384.7560
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: bldg-sim-bounces at lists.onebuilding.org [mailto:bldg-sim-
>> bounces at lists.onebuilding.org] On Behalf Of Tim Johnson
>> Sent: Wednesday, May 14, 2008 1:29 PM
>> To: Randy Wilkinson; bldg-sim at onebuilding.org
>> Subject: Re: [Bldg-sim] TMY3 Released with 1020 US Locations
>> I am attempting to follow these steps, but I can't seem to figure out
> how
>> to use the DOE2 unilities. It looks like it is only DOS based and I
> am
>> not familiar with DOS. Could you walk me through the steps to convert
>> from .TM2 to .bin using the DOE2 utility?
>> Thanks,
>> Tim
>> >>> Randy Wilkinson <randy at hvacware.net> 05/14/08 11:21 AM >>>
>> Be aware that what NREL calls TMY2 weather data is true text based
> TMY2
>> weather data per their original definition. DOE2 (eQuest) uses a
> binary
>> version of the TMY2 weather files. The binary version is about 1/10th
>> the file size of the original text based TMY2 file. You need to use
>> another weather processor to convert the true TMY2 into a binary
> version
>> (xxxxxx.BIN) for use with eQuest. You can't just rename the file as
> it
>> sounds like you did.
>> step 1 - Get the TMY3 weather file for your location
>> step 2 - Use NREL's TMY3toTMY2 converter to convert it to TMY2
>> step 3 - Use DOE2 or EnergyPlus weather utilities to convert the text
>> based TMY2 weather file to a binary version for use with DOE2 (eQuest)
>> I think you skipped step 3.
>> Randy Wilkinson
>> James Hess wrote:
>> > Great news on the TMY3 weather data. We want to start using it in
>> eQuest.
>> >
>> > However, FYI... in order to test the new TMY3 files out, we
> downloaded a
>> TMY3
>> > weather file for Little Rock, AR. Then we converted the TMY3 file
> to
>> TMY2
>> > (using same name as TMY2 --> LITTLEAR.BIN ), placed it in a new
> folder
>> under
>> > eQuest weather (Weather\TMY3) then tried to use in eQuest and got an
>> error,
>> > and the simulation would not run.
>> >
>> > Is there any additional information that we need to know in order to
>> make
>> > this work?
>> >
>> >
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