[Bldg-sim] IES<VE>
Anis Ben Ayed
a.benayed at eb-engineers.com
Fri May 30 08:23:19 PDT 2008
Dear all,
Thank you very much for encouraging the creation of an IES<VE> mailing list.
I hope to see it up and running shortly.
Best regards,
Anis Ben Ayed, LEEDR AP
Mechanical Engineer
<http://www.eb-engineers.com/> Ebert & Baumann Consulting Engineers, Inc.
An Enterprise of the Ebert-Consulting Group
1004 Pennsylvania Avenue, SE
Washington, D.C. 20003, USA
( 202.608.1334
* a.benayed at eb-engineers.com
From: bldg-sim-bounces at lists.onebuilding.org
[mailto:bldg-sim-bounces at lists.onebuilding.org] On Behalf Of Paul Carey
Sent: Friday, May 30, 2008 10:13 AM
To: Jason Glazer; bldg-sim at lists.onebuilding.org
Subject: Re: [Bldg-sim] IES<VE>
Jason, et al
As an ex-IES employee (Consultancy Manager England & Wales - a couple of
years ago) I'd be more than happy to see and contribute to an IES email
I think I would be able to contribute fairly well as I know the software
well having used it for about 8 years now. We also have other engineers in
our organisation that might be able to pitch in as well (my business Partner
is also another ex IES employee and we have 2 other accredited and
proficient users of the software).
Ronan - Regarding that profile stated - IFH stands for diffuse radiation on
the horizontal plane in W/m2 or BTU/h.ft2. I would use that profile with an
element of caution though, as someone forwarded me an email from IES stating
that this was not correct. It's the way it used to be done with the
software, but technically you have to work out the daylight level for each
room and then modify that profile accordingly and most people don't do that
step. Now that apache links with Radiance that is the way it is meant to be
<http://www.zed-uk.com/> ZED-LOGO
Dr Paul Carey
Zero Energy Design Ltd
10A Portland Place, 2-22 Mottram Road, Stalybridge, SK15 3AD, UK.
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Email/MSN: Paul at zed-uk.com
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Jason Glazer wrote:
I don't know of any IES VE mailing lists or forums. I do know that IES
provides help through their web site.
If I have enough interest from IES VE users, I would be glad to start a
mailing list on onebuilding.org for the program. If you are a user of IES VE
and want an email list, please let me know.
On 5/29/2008 8:54 AM, Anis Ben Ayed wrote:
Dear All,
I know that most of us here are eQuest or Trace users, but does anyone know
if there are any IES VE mailing lists on the WWW?
Also for IES VE users: Was anyone able to model the chilled water and hot
water supply temperature reset based on outdoor temperatures as required in
the baseline case in ASHRAE90.1-2004 Appendix G?
Thank you,
*Anis Ben Ayed**,* *LEED**^R * *AP*
Mechanical Engineer
*Ebert & Baumann Consulting Engineers, Inc. <http://www.eb-engineers.com/>*
An Enterprise of the Ebert-Consulting Group
1004 Pennsylvania Avenue, SE
Washington, D.C. 20003, USA
( 202.608.1334
* a.benayed at eb-engineers.com
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