[Bldg-sim] Subject: External shading device design tool

Murray Milne milne at ucla.edu
Sat Aug 20 17:52:29 PDT 2011


You might be thinking of our tool called SOLAR-2 available on the

Murray Milne, UCLA

>Dear Colleagues,
>I am looking for a software for external shading device design.
>I can recall a software that I used long time ago, which has a visual
>interface to show a size of overhang / fin based on input. Unfortunately, I
>cannot remember the name.
>Please recommend any software which has similar functions.
>Thanks in advance,

Milne                                                      Research 
UCLA,  Department of Architecture and Urban Design, Los Angeles, 90095
             UCLA Office   Voice: 
(310)206-7021                   Fax: (310)825-8959
             Malibu Office  Voice: (310)454-7328            E-mail: 
milne at ucla.edu
All our  ENERGY DESIGN TOOLS  software can be downloaded free from:
Please try HEED, Home Energy Efficient Design, and give us your thoughts:

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