[Bldg-sim] Update: Tall Bldg Pressurization, Infiltration, Stack Effect, Wind-Pressure

Varkie C Thomas thomasv at iit.edu
Mon Jun 11 16:56:10 PDT 2012

Attached is an updated Excel spreadsheet program to estimate infiltration in tall buildings.  I would like to have comments and suggestions on this issue particularly if the attached views & conclusions are wrong and there are mistakes in the analysis & calculations.  Burj Khalifa in Dubai is 828 meters (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burj_Khalifa ) and the Kingdom Tower in Jeddah is being designed for 1,007 meters (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kingdom_Tower ).   

The input in red (based on %, etc) overrides the entered values for dimensions and CONTAM leakages. Delete them and it will use the leakage info
You can create input files in the Sheet �Test Input Files�
Highlight the cells in green or section enclosed in red line.
Copy and paste into the next sheet �Input-Output�
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Name: 1 - CONTAM-Library - Enclosure Leakages (added Infiltr-Flow & Press-Temp).xlsx
Type: application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet
Size: 120279 bytes
Desc: not available
URL: <http://lists.onebuilding.org/pipermail/bldg-sim-onebuilding.org/attachments/20120611/9fb3d845/attachment.bin>
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Name: 2 - Excel Program - Infiltr in Tall-Bldgs - Stack-Effect & Wind-Press.xlsx
Type: application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet
Size: 636794 bytes
Desc: not available
URL: <http://lists.onebuilding.org/pipermail/bldg-sim-onebuilding.org/attachments/20120611/9fb3d845/attachment-0001.bin>
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Name: 3 - Excel Program User Guide - Infiltr in Multi-Use Tall-Bldgs - Report-Conclusions.pdf
Type: application/pdf
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URL: <http://lists.onebuilding.org/pipermail/bldg-sim-onebuilding.org/attachments/20120611/9fb3d845/attachment.pdf>
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