[Bldg-sim] LEED 2009 and Retail Core & Shell EAp2/EAc1

Martin Roy ing. LEED Fellow martin.roy at mra.qc.ca
Tue Aug 26 11:21:27 PDT 2014

Hi Christopher,

Other than energy recovery on the ventilation and 
using extended schedule I agree with you there is 
little option.  And that is simulation 
saving.  If there is demand ventilaiton installed 
on site the energy for heating the ventilaiton 
air is reduce a lot, more than what simulation gives us.

We did a lot of these CS big box retail and never 
went over 34% energy cost saving compare to MNECB 
and 32% compared to ASHRAE 90.1


At 09:50 2014-08-26, Jones, Christopher wrote:
>Content-Language: en-US
>Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
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>I am wondering how much success people have had 
>with Retail Core & Shell projects in terms of 
>EAp2/EAc1.  It seems to me that the typical 
>large mall (250,000 ft2 or larger) with roof top 
>units presents little opportunity for energy 
>savings.  I would appreciate some of your experiences.
>Christopher Jones, P.Eng.
>Tel: 416.644.4226 • Toll Free: 1.888.425.7255 x 5527
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Martin Roy, ing, LEED Fellow
Martin Roy et associés
1805 Chemin Oka,
Deux-Montagnes, Qc
J7R 4J1
Tel : 450-623-0340
Cel : 514-594-6352  
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