[Bldg-sim] Fw: Need help related to building energy simulation

Syed aftab Rashid saftab.rashid at yahoo.com
Sat Feb 1 00:51:46 PST 2014

Hi everyone!

I am a masters student and doing my masters in electrical engineering. I am currently working on my thesis. My work in related to air conditioning systems in buildings (Non-HVAC) i.e. using the traditional stand alone air conditioners. 

I need to calculate the energy usage of these traditional Air conditioning systems. can anyone suggest me how can i simulate it using any of the simple and free simulation software. Most of the software's i have seen on internet are build for HVAC systems but in my country HVAC system are still very rare so i have to give my analysis on Traditional Air Conditioning units. 
looking forward to a promising response.

Thank You
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