[Bldg-sim] NECB 2011 - Interpretation of
Genest, Frederic
fgenest at pageaumorel.com
Thu Jul 10 10:16:24 PDT 2014
Hello Cheney.
Never been confronted with the case, so I’m eduguessing my way though the Trade-off Path.
Since the reference case never has any “personal control”, I gather that it implies “task lighting” while “occupancy-sensing mechanism – manual” implies “general space control”.
Since personal control has a low factor (0.1), I don’t see a big problem with taking credit for both cases.
So, somewhat correcting my initial interpretation:
- Personnal control = manual on/off control assigned to a single individual and normally related to task lighting or similar application
- Occupancy-Sensing Mechanism = general space control
o Manual = on/off switch
o Automatic = motion detector or the like, switching on/off automatically
My two cents!
Frédéric Genest,
Pageau Morel et associés inc.
ing., M.Sc.A., PA LEED BD+C / Eng., M.A.Sc., LEED AP BD+C
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fgenest at pageaumorel.com<mailto:fgenest at pageaumorel.com>
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De : Cheney [mailto:chenyu73 at gmail.com]
Envoyé : 9 juillet 2014 18:22
À : Genest, Frederic
Cc : Krauel, Danielle; bldg-sim at lists.onebuilding.org; IBPSA-GTA-L at listserv.utoronto.ca
Objet : Re: [Bldg-sim] NECB 2011 - Interpretation of
Hello Frederic,
How are you?
So there is no difference between Personal control and Occupancy-Sensing Mechanism – Manual? Taking Patient room in table as an example, it has both Relative Absence of Occupants factor 0.1 and Personal control factor 0.1. When a full manual on/off control is installed in such room, both Occupancy control and personal control factors can be claimed? If not, which one should be claimed in this case, since it generates different control factors eventually?
LinkedIN @ http://www.linkedin.com/pub/yu-cheney-chen-ph-d-bemp-leed-ap-bd-c/27/637/72b
On Wed, Jul 9, 2014 at 2:21 PM, Genest, Frederic <fgenest at pageaumorel.com<mailto:fgenest at pageaumorel.com>> wrote:
Hi Danielle.
Based on a proposed code change that’s proposed for inclusion in NECB 2015, which clarify the description, this is what I understand it is :
- “Personal control” => Full manual on/off control
- “Occupancy-Sensing Mechanism – Manual” => Full manual on/off control (i.e. same as above)
- “Occupancy-Sensing Mechanism – Automatic” => full auto on/off control
Other type of controls (bi-level, auto off/manual on) are not accounted for in NECB 2011 Section 4.3.
Frédéric Genest,
Pageau Morel et associés inc.
ing., M.Sc.A., PA LEED BD+C / Eng., M.A.Sc<http://M.A.Sc>., LEED AP BD+C
Chargé de projet / Project Manager
Associé / Associate
fgenest at pageaumorel.com<mailto:fgenest at pageaumorel.com>
210, boul. Crémazie O., bur. 110
Montréal (Québec) H2P 1C6
T 514.382.5150<tel:514.382.5150> (2203)
F 514.384.9872<tel:514.384.9872>
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De : Evenson, Devin [mailto:DEvenson at hydro.mb.ca<mailto:DEvenson at hydro.mb.ca>]
Envoyé : 9 juillet 2014 12:57
À : 'Krauel, Danielle'; bldg-sim at lists.onebuilding.org<mailto:bldg-sim at lists.onebuilding.org>; IBPSA-GTA-L at listserv.utoronto.ca<mailto:IBPSA-GTA-L at listserv.utoronto.ca>
Objet : Re: [Bldg-sim] NECB 2011 - Interpretation of
Hi Danielle –
I don’t have a quick answer to your question but just to let you and other interested individuals know the Users’ Guide for the NECB 2011 is now available (released a couple weeks back) for purchase at the following link https://commerce-irc.nrc-cnrc.gc.ca/nrcb2c/b2c/display/(xcm=NRC-R3PITREX&layout=6_1_65_54_5_2&uiarea=2&ctype=areaDetails&carea=0000000064)/.do
Devin Evenson, P.Eng. CEM, CMVP
Manitoba Hydro | Customer Engineering Services
General Mail: PO Box 815 STN Mail | Winnipeg, MB | R3C 2P4
Courier: 6-360 Portage Ave | Winnipeg, MB | R3C 0G8
tel. 204-360-3971<tel:204-360-3971> | fax 204-360-6109<tel:204-360-6109>
devenson at hydro.mb.ca<mailto:devenson at hydro.mb.ca>
From: Bldg-sim [mailto:bldg-sim-bounces at lists.onebuilding.org] On Behalf Of Krauel, Danielle
Sent: Wednesday, July 09, 2014 11:02 AM
To: bldg-sim at lists.onebuilding.org<mailto:bldg-sim at lists.onebuilding.org>; IBPSA-GTA-L at listserv.utoronto.ca<mailto:IBPSA-GTA-L at listserv.utoronto.ca>
Subject: [Bldg-sim] NECB 2011 - Interpretation of
Quick question about the NECB 2011 (Section There are different factors (credits to account for):
- “Personal control”
- “Occupancy-Sensing Mechanism – Manual”
- “Occupancy-Sensing Mechanism – Automatic”
What is meant by each of these? I’m assuming:
- Personal Control – An on/off switch or task light.
- Occupancy-Sensing Mechanism – Manual: A push-button for an occupancy override with timer (no switch).
- Occupancy-Sensing Mechanism – Automatic: An automatic occupancy sensor.
If anyone can confirm my interpretation is correct, that would be great. Thanks.
[cid:image002.jpg at 01CF9C3D.D4FC33F0]Danielle Krauel, ing., P.Eng., LEED AP
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