[Bldg-sim] SimAUD Call for Papers
Samuelson, Holly Wasilowski
hsamuelson at gsd.harvard.edu
Thu Jul 24 06:26:37 PDT 2014
Dear Bldg-Sim,
We are pleased to announce the sixth year of the Symposium on Simulation for Architecture and Urban Design (SimAUD) at the 2015 Spring Simulation Conference. April 12 - 15, 2015 | Washington, DC metro-area, USA
Researchers in simulation, architecture, urban design, human-computer interaction, computer graphics, engineering, software development, education, and business who develop or use modeling, simulation, visualization, validation, or interaction techniques or tools related to the built environment are invited to participate and present original full papers, short papers, and extended abstracts.
All submissions are peer-reviewed and considered for selection by the Committee. All accepted submissions will be published in the ACM Digital Library. Additionally, any video or contributed data set accompanying an accepted submission will be featured on the SimAUD Website (www.simaud.org). SimAUD is run collaboratively with ACM/SIGSIM and is sponsored by The Society for Modeling and Simulation International.
SimAUD topics include, but are not limited to:
• Simulation-Based Design Tools and Methods
• Building Comfort and Energy Performance
• Simulation of Occupant Behavior
• Simulation of Building Control
• Urban-Scale Modeling
• Multidisciplinary Design Optimization
• Design Agency & Multi-Agent Systems
• Simulation Performance and Scalability
• Intelligent Buildings & Building Lifecycle Management
• Sensor Networks & Building Performance Monitoring
• Interactive Environments
• Responsive Facades
• Robotic Fabrication in Design
• Physics-Based Simulation in Design
• Visualization of Simulation Data
Submission Guidelines
Works can be submitted in any of the following categories:
• Full Paper
• Short Paper
• Extended Abstract
Symposium Chairs:
Holly Samuelson | hsamuelson at gsd.harvard.edu
Shajay Bhooshan | shajay.bhooshan at zaha-hadid.com
Program Chair:
Rhys Goldstein | rhys.goldstein at autodesk.com
General SimAUD information including past proceedings is available at www.simaud.org. This year’s submission instructions can be found at http://simaud.com/2015/call_for_submissions.php. Those interested are encouraged to submit an abstract by September 12 and complete the submission by November 10, 2014. We look forward to seeing you in 2015 in Alexandria, VA, near Washington, DC!
Holly W. Samuelson, DDes, LEED, AIA
Assistant Professor Harvard Graduate School of Design
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