Sir/Madam I am
submitting my question again. If anybody knows what to do, please let me know. The object WindowShadingControl
requires a certain setpoint value. What value do I have to enter if the Shading
Control Type “Always On” is used. A
simulation without specifying the value, produces the
following error message:
** Warning ** Object=WINDOWSHADINGCONTROL, name=BLIND, entered with less
than minimum number of fields.
** ~~~ ** Attempting fill to minimum.
** Warning ** Set point is zero in WindowShadingControl BLIND
** ~~~ ** This may mean set point was not
specified when it should have been. Other than explained in the user manual, in my
case the shading does not need to be activated as it is on all the time. So, do
I have to set a value or do not I have? I would appreciate your help. Alexander __________________________________ DI (FH) Forschungs- und
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