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Re: [EnergyPlus_Support] Internal Windows
My apologies for the delay in finding the solution to this request. I have
found the problem. The interzone window subsurfaces are not linked to each
other. The OutsideSurfaceEnvironment Object field has been left blank:
SubObj:0013, !- User Supplied Surface Name
WINDOW, !- Surface Type
Internal, !- Construction Name of the Surface
Obj:0004, !- Base Surface Name
, !- OutsideFaceEnvironment Object
Because this is an interzone window, it must reference another window object.
SubObj:0013, !- User Supplied Surface Name
WINDOW, !- Surface Type
Internal, !- Construction Name of the Surface
Obj:0004, !- Base Surface Name
SubObj:0014, !- OutsideFaceEnvironment Object
And likewise SubObj:0014 must reference SubObj:0013, and so must all of the
interzone window surface pairs. I am surprised that this did not generate a
severe error. A bug report will be posted. Thank you for bringing this to our
How did I track this down? A review of the surface details report showed that
the <ExtBoundCondition> for the interior windows was ExternalEnvironment with
NoSun and NoWind. Instead, the ExtBoundCondition for SubObj:0014 should be
SubObj:0013, for example.
On 29 Sep 2005, at 22:43, Michael J. Witte wrote:
> EnergyPlus is supposed to model this type of situation. All surfaces in
> EnergyPlus have an inside temperature and an outside temperature, even if the
> construction is a single material layer. I would suggest a test replacing the
> interior window with an opaque door subsurface which has a material layer with
> the same thickness, conductivity, and density as the glass layer. Do you see
> similar surface temperatures? If you unable to resolve this, please uplaod the
> zipped idf file to the yahoo files area in the Problem Submittals folder.
> Mike
> On 28 Sep 2005, at 8:03, dan_grunbaum wrote:
> > Hi
> >
> > Just wanted to elaborate a little on my previous question.
> > I am attempting to model a commercial building which has a glazed
> > atrium surrounding it. It is intended for the office space to open to
> > the atrium or there may be a glazing layer sperating the office and
> > the atrium and therefore I need solar radiation to transmit from the
> > exterior, through the atrium and into the office space.
> >
> > If I model this with no partition seperating the atrium and office
> > space, the office space receives no solar radiation (using a solar
> > distribution of full exterior and interior). I have therefore tried
> > to model the partion with glass attached which is nearly 100%
> > transparent for all wavelengths and highly conductive. I am assuming
> > that internal windows seperating zones need to be specified twice for
> > the same reason that partitions seperating zones need to be.
> >
> > While this allows solar penetration, on a hot day the temperature of
> > the glass assigned to the partition of the atrium is a lot hoter than
> > the temperature of the corresponding glass associated with the office
> > space (41 degrees compared to 29 degrees. at this time the atrium is
> > at 47 and the office space is being conditioned to 24). As the glass
> > is theoretically one layer, I would have expected there temperatures
> > to be close or the same due to the conductivity of glass.
> >
> > This is resulting in a much lower cooling load for the office than
> > expected.
> >
> > Am I modelling this scenario wrongly or is EP unable to model it
> > correctly.
> >
> > Cheers,
> >
> > Dan
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > The primary EnergyPlus web site is found at:
> > http://www.energyplus.gov
> >
> > The group web site is:
> > http://groups.yahoo.com/group/EnergyPlus_Support/
> >
> > Attachments are not allowed -- please post any files to the appropriate folder
> > in the Files area of the Support Web Site.
> >
> > EnergyPlus Documentation is searchable. Open EPlusMainMenu.idf and press the
> > "search" button.
> >
> > Yahoo! Groups Links
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> ========================================================
> Michael J. Witte, GARD Analytics, Inc.
> EnergyPlus Testing and Support
> EnergyPlus-Support@xxxxxxxx
> The primary EnergyPlus web site is found at:
> http://www.energyplus.gov
> The group web site is:
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/EnergyPlus_Support/
> Attachments are not allowed -- please post any files to the appropriate folder
> in the Files area of the Support Web Site.
> EnergyPlus Documentation is searchable. Open EPlusMainMenu.idf and press the
> "search" button.
> Yahoo! Groups Links
Michael J. Witte, GARD Analytics, Inc.
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