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RE: [EnergyPlus_Support] Re: Generating input for SOLAR COLLECTOR PARAMETERS:FLAT PLATE
Hi Elmer,
I do not know what differences in results you might expect when substituting water for glycol. We have that problem in general for any plant loop, not just solar collector loops. Perhaps someone else on the list has an idea.
For a BRANCH, there should technically be only one component that is ACTIVE. This indicates which component will try to regulate the flow through the BRANCH. However, with solar collectors, they are fairly dumb; all they can do is request their maximum flow rate (see the Maximum Volumetric Flow Rate field in SOLAR COLLECTOR:FLAT PLATE). The system may or may not actually meet this flow rate. Since it looks like all of your collectors on the BRANCH are identical models, then they presumably all have the same maximum flow rate. Therefore, it doesn't matter which one is ACTIVE. EnergyPlus may even let you set all of the collectors to ACTIVE, but it might throw an error in that case, I don't know.
If you look at the InputOutputReference, you'll see that the Gross Area is mainly for reference and is not used in any calculation. The actual surface area of the associated SURFACE:HEATTRANSFER object is what is used in the calculation. Whether you choose to make your surface area match the "useful area" or the gross area, depends on the manufacturer's testing assumptions. Here in the US, we have ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 96 which clearly specifies that the gross area should be used for the efficiency and performance calculations. I might double-check with the manufacturer, but probably it is gross area.
-----Original Message-----
From: EnergyPlus_Support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:EnergyPlus_Support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf Of Elmer Morrissey
Sent: Wednesday, January 11, 2006 10:06 AM
To: EnergyPlus_Support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [EnergyPlus_Support] Re: Generating input for SOLAR COLLECTOR PARAMETERS:FLAT PLATE
Hi Peter,
Thank you kindly for the detailed replies.
Is there a large mismatch in the results when substituting water
circuits and for glycol circuits? Do you know of any documentation
that details the difference in performance characteristics?
If I have several solar arrays circuits that are in parallel. And if
within these circuits, individual solar arrays are connected in
series, are these all assumed to be ACTIVE within the branch lists?
e.g. is the following correct...
Vitosol 100 SW Branch, !- Branch Name
Vitosol 100 SW No1/6 Collector,
Vitosol 100 SW No1/6 Collector Inlet Node,
Vitosol 100 SW No1/6 Collector Outlet Node,
ACTIVE, !- Comp1 Branch Control Type
Vitosol 100 SW No2/6 Collector,
Vitosol 100 SW No1/6 Collector Outlet Node,
Vitosol 100 SW No2/6 Collector Outlet Node,
Vitosol 100 SW No3/6 Collector,
Vitosol 100 SW No2/6 Collector Outlet Node,
Vitosol 100 SW No3/6 Collector Outlet Node,
Vitosol 100 SW No4/6 Collector,
Vitosol 100 SW No3/6 Collector Outlet Node,
Vitosol 100 SW No4/6 Collector Outlet Node,
Vitosol 100 SW No5/6 Collector,
Vitosol 100 SW No4/6 Collector Outlet Node,
Vitosol 100 SW No5/6 Collector Outlet Node,
Vitosol 100 SW No6/6 Collector,
Vitosol 100 SW No5/6 Collector Outlet Node,
Vitosol 100 SW No6/6 Collector Outlet Node,
Finally, I have a question about the input field for `gross area' in
the panel that contains `useful' interaction with solar levels (i.e.
collector area)?
Kind regards
--- In EnergyPlus_Support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "Ellis, Peter"
<peter_ellis@n...> wrote:
> Elmer,
> (a) Test Fluid
> The only option for EnergyPlus right now is WATER. If the
collector is a solar hot water panel, then most likely is was tested
using water as the test fluid, unless the manufacturer specified
otherwise. We cannot yet model a glycol mixture in the solar loop
(or any loop in EnergyPlus), so you must assume that is water.
> (b) Test Volumetric Flow Rate {m3/s}
> This is the flow rate condition under which the performance of the
collector was tested by the manufacturer. The efficiency
coefficients (d)-(f) are calculated for this specific flow rate.
The flow rate should be indicated somewhere by the manufacturer,
maybe called "nominal flow rate" or "recommended flow rate"? If
not, try to ask the manufacturer.
> (c) Test Correlation Type
> This indicates whether the collector efficiency curve is
correlated according to the INLET fluid temperature (Tin), the
OUTLET fluid temperature (Tout), or the AVERAGE of inlet and outlet
(Tavg). So basically you have to figure out if the "dt" in the
manufacturer's equation is:
> dt = Tin-Tair
> dt = Tout-Tair
> dt = Tavg-Tair
> In the US the INLET correlation is the norm, but this may be
different in Europe (thus the ability to choose).
> (d)-(f)
> The efficiency equation that you describe from the manufacturer
can be found in the EnergyPlus EngineeringReference.pdf, and appears
as follows:
> n = c0 + c1*(Tin-Tair)/Isolar + c2*(Tin-Tair)^2/Isolar
> The manufacturer's coefficients are therefore related in this way:
> (d) Coefficient 1 of Efficiency Equation (Y-Intercept)
> c0 = n0
> (e) Coefficient 2 of Efficiency Equation (1st Order) {W/m2-K}
> c1 = -k1
> (f) Coefficient 3 of Efficiency Equation (2nd Order) {W/m2-K2}
> c2 = -k2
> (g) Coefficient 2 of Incident Angle Modifier (1st Order)
> (h) Coefficient 3 of Incident Angle Modifier (2nd Order)
> These are usually provided by the manufacturer. I don't know what
to tell you if you don't have them. Try to ask the manufacturer.
> Good luck,
> P
> -----Original Message-----
> From: EnergyPlus_Support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:EnergyPlus_Support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf Of Elmer
> Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2006 10:57 AM
> To: EnergyPlus_Support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: [EnergyPlus_Support] Generating input for SOLAR COLLECTOR
> Hella all,
> I am interested in simulating the performance of solar panels
> distributed by a German manufacturer (Vitosol).
> I do have catalog data from the distributer. The catalog
> that..
> ___________________________________________________________________
> "The thermal loss coefficient and optical efficiency combine to
> the collector efficiency curve which can be calculated on the
> of the following formula:
> n = n0 - k1 . (dt/Eg) - k2 . (dt^2/Eg)."
> However, E+'s idf requires:
> (a) Test Fluid
> (b) Test Volumetric Flow Rate {m3/s}
> (c) Test Correlation Type
> (d) Coefficient 1 of Efficiency Equation (Y-Intercept)
> {dimensionless}
> (e) Coefficient 2 of Efficiency Equation (1st Order) {W/m2-K}
> (f) Coefficient 3 of Efficiency Equation (2nd Order) {W/m2-K2}
> (g) Coefficient 2 of Incident Angle Modifier (1st Order)
> (h) Coefficient 3 of Incident Angle Modifier (2nd Order)
> As a result, I am unsure of the values I should instantiate in my
> input file. I would appear to have direct input for (d) only as
> solar circuits have a mixture of glycol in order to provide frost
> protection.
> Does anyone have advice from previous experiences?
> Kind regards
> -Elmer
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