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Re: [EnergyPlus_Support] Re: Modulating Control
Well, that's a good idea. But no, you can't do it. There's no provision
for looking at past values in any of the managers. All they can do is look
at what they are sensing "right now".
Fred Buhl
Rory Walsh wrote:
>Hi Fred
>Thanks for the advice, I will give this a go.
>I have realised today that in my model night ventilation is being
>employed at times of the year when it is not really needed, resulting
>in overcooling in morning.
>This is using the simple ventilation object controlled to ventilate @
>3ACH if the internal temperature is above 20C.
>Would it be possible to implement the following control logic.
>Ventilate @ 3ACH if
> * The internal air temperature during the previous day peaked above 25C
> * The current internal temperature is greater than 20C.
>I think this would force night ventilation to only occur when it was
>really needed.
>Hope this is possible
>Kind Regards
>At 18:31 28/03/2006, you wrote:
>>There are several ways to do night ventilation. With the Ventilation
>>object, I think you
>>are stuck with the fluctuations. But you should look at the example file
>>for an example of a more sophisticated way of doing night ventilation using
>>This strategy is fully documented in the IO ref manual and the
>>Engineering document. You could
>>also try, if you are willing to use unaltered fan and system
>>performance, just using night setback
>>zone setpoints and using the minimum outside air schedule to force 100%
>>outside air at night.
>>This schedule is referenced in the OA Controller.
>>Fred Buhl
>>Rory Walsh wrote:
>>>Hello All
>>>I have some instability in one of my models.
>>>It is being caused by a ventilation object which is included to
>>>provide a simple night ventilation strategy, in an office building.
>>>Using the ventilation object, ventilation is provided @ 3ACH if the
>>>internal temperature is above 20C.
>>>I have noticed in the results that the internal temperatures are
>>>oscillating around 20C during the early morning hours before
>>>occupation, during summer months.
>>>This is happening because night ventilation is alternating between on
>>>and off between each time step, (using 10 minute time steps).
>>>The oscillations in temperature are not very big, max amplitude is
>>>about 1C, but this is enough to impact significantly on the comfort
>>>predictions from my model.
>>>I have also implemented night ventilation using a unit ventilator in
>>>another model but I am encountering the same problem.
>>>Is it possible to modulate ventilation based on an internal
>>>temperature only, instead of modulating it based on a temperature
>>>difference between inside and outside?
>>>I was hoping somebody might have a simple work around.
>>>Best Wishes
>>>Rory Walsh
>>>UCD Energy Research Group
>>>School of Architecture, Landscape & Civil Engineering
>>>University College Dublin
>>>Richview, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
>>>Tel: +353-1-716 2682
>>>Fax: +353-1-283 8908
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>Rory Walsh
>UCD Energy Research Group
>School of Architecture, Landscape & Civil Engineering
>University College Dublin
>Richview, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
>Tel: +353-1-716 2682
>Fax: +353-1-283 8908
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