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Re: [EnergyPlus_Support] Re:Parametric envelope studies
I am doing a similar work for the Italian context.
Most of the previous studies has been done about envelopes performance were
done with Doe 2, which I think is different then EnergyPlus.
As you already know, ventilation, heat gain protection and dispersion are
the main factors.
Thermal mass: in my studies I am surprise because I was thinking that would
perform better than what simulations says, for example in south of Italy has
summer benefit giving not more then the 5% benefit on cooling loads compared
to a light wall having same insulation. I think Doe2.1 is overestimating the
mass benefit or from another point of view EnergyPlus is minimizing those.
Do anyone have an idea about that?
On 1/8/07, Guedi_Capeluto <arrguedi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hello,
> You may want to check this work:
> Shaviv E. and I. G. Capeluto, 1992. "The Relative Importance of Various
> Geometrical Design Parameters in Hot-Humid Climate", "ASHRAE Trans.",
> Vol.98, AN-92-1-1, Baltimore. (pp. 589-605).
> Best regards,
> Guedi
> Arch. Guedi Capeluto, D.Sc.
> Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning
> Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
> Technion City, Haifa 32000. Israel
> Tel:+972.4.8294012 Fax:+972.4.8294617
> email: arrguedi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <arrguedi%40tx.technion.ac.il>
> web : <http://tx.technion.ac.il/~arrguedi<http://tx.technion.ac.il/%7Earrguedi>
> >
> http://tx.technion.ac.il/~arrguedi <http://tx.technion.ac.il/%7Earrguedi>
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Emanuele Naboni
+1 (510) 395.7241
1082 Washington St apt.1
San Francisco, CA 94108
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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