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Re: [EnergyPlus_Support] Questions of Free cooling chiller example
The example file is running just design days. On the summer design day, free
cooling will not work because it is too warm outside. On the winter design
day, this example has no chilled water load. Not the best example, sorry.
If you run an annual simulation (modify the RUN CONTROL and RUNPERIOD objects)
or run a mild month such as April or May, you will see flow in the free cooling
heat exchanger.
On 18 Dec 2006 at 3:42, miaoworld wrote:
> I am trying to see the savings by calculating free cooling chiller
> example.
> In the CSV results, the following two objectives are always zero.
> "FREE COOLER:Free Cooling Heat Exchanger Plant Side Mass Flow
> rate[kg/s](TimeStep)" and "FREE COOLER:Free Cooling Heat Exchanger
> Condenser Side Mass Flow rate[kg/s](TimeStep)".
> It remains zero no matter how I adjusted the condenser loop setpoint.
> Anyone has similar experience?
> Any suggestions will be appreciated.
> Thanks.
> Miao.
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Michael J. Witte, GARD Analytics, Inc.
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