I'm trying for two days to convert hourly weather data from csv to epw (for Basse Terre, Guadeloupe, West Indies).
I used for month the "Weather Manager" from Ecotect and now I realized that he had a problem converting solar radiation data and I no more confident with this software.
So I tried to use the "Weather" soft delivered with E+.
What is the csv format expected ?
I found this :
" Note on the input CSV format : it is the epw csv format. The CSV format must mirror the output CSV format very closely. The processor espects a location header records and the headers for the data fiels as a minimum"
What does it mean ?
I took headers for the epw file and it don't work.
Does I have to take the headers from the*.rdd file ?
Which values are essentials to create a full epw file ?
Can I have an csv example file to help me understand ?
How can I create my epw file ?
I can send my csv file if it can help.
I precise that I'm really familiar with this kind of problem : that's in Wh/m² and not in J/cm², real csv with "," and no ";", etc....
Thanks a lot
Have a nice day
Vincent Priori
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