07/21 05:55:00 | 167.8932 | 11.17909312 |
07/21 05:56:00 | 174.5266 | 11.3528604 |
07/21 05:57:00 | 181.16 | 11.52678234 |
07/21 05:58:00 | 187.7934 | 11.70085751 |
07/21 05:59:00 | 194.4268 | 11.8750845 |
07/21 06:00:00 | 201.0602 | 12.04946189 |
07/21 06:01:00 | 207.6935 | 12.22398827 |
07/21 06:02:00 | 214.3269 | 12.39866221 |
07/21 06:03:00 | 220.9603 | 12.57348232 |
07/21 06:04:00 | 227.5937 | 12.74844718 |
07/21 06:05:00 | 234.2271 | 12.92355539 |
Try a 1 minute timestep and ShadowCalculation frequency set to 1.
The time stamp associated with output is the end of the timestep, but the data are for the entire preceding timestep. You probably want to back up the time of day by half a timestep when doing the hand calc.
From: EnergyPlus_Support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:EnergyPlus_Support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Feng Kelvin
Sent: Thursday, July 23, 2009 1:41 PMSubject: Re: [EnergyPlus_Support] Summer Design Day -- Direct Solar Radiation Calculation
The reporting frequency is time step. My simulation time step is hourly.
You mean the reporting value 201 [W/m2] in my case could be averaged over an hour which is different from hand calculation's one time point? If yes, how this averaged been done? Why not use one instantaneous value that matching with solar altitude angle output?
I also did simulation with 15min time step. I copy the results below:
Time Direct Solar Radiation [W/m2] beta [deg] Hand calculation Direction Solar [W/m2]
6:00 201 12.049 449
6:15 300 14.68
6:30 400 17.37
6:45 458 20.029
7:00 516 22.74 676
However, I am pretty sure that solar altitude angle beta is an instantaneous time point value.
Another thing is, If averaged, I found incidental solar radiation to individual surface is calculated according to the "averaged" value based on the reporting outputs. And I found big difference on building heat load.
Best Regards
KelvinOn Thu, Jul 23, 2009 at 2:11 PM, Griffith, Brent <brent.griffith@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
What is the reporting frequency? Maybe you are comparing results averaged over an hour to an instantaneous hand calculation.
From: EnergyPlus_Support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:EnergyPlus_Support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Feng Kelvin
Sent: Thursday, July 23, 2009 11:40 AM
To: EnergyPlus_Support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Cc: Feng Kelvin
Subject: [EnergyPlus_Support] Summer Design Day -- Direct Solar Radiation Calculation
Hi group,
I am using my E+ v2.2 design day to simulate a simple concrete two rooms case. I found E+'s Direct Solar Radiation output result doesn't match with direct normal solar radiation calculation equation: EDN = A / exp ( B / sin(beta) )
I pick up my case at 6:00am simulation results. E+ results give:
solar altitude angle, beta = 12.049 [deg]
direct normal radiation, EDN = 201 [W/m2]
I calculate solar altitude myself by inputting building altitude, declination angle and solar time and found the solar altitude angle, beta = 12.049 is correct. However, when I use
EDN = A / exp ( B / sin(beta) )
where A = 1093 [W/m2]
B = 0.186
I got EDN = 449.98 [W/m2], not 201 [W/m2] calculated by E+.
Am I missing sth in this, or this has been fixed in new E+ version?
Best Regards
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