Hi if you want to get energy consumption results for each thermal zone, you must apply an HVAC system to it, so it could be able to calculate the loads. the simpliest way is to create an HCACTemplate thermostat for each zone and apply an HVACTemplateZone: Ideal loads system for each zone. this is an ideal air systme wchich just calculates what you wants. at last you mast choose the output variables that you want to get in the output fileds.to find want. for a quick soloution in the filed Output:Table:SummuryReports input the ZoneHeatingSummaryMonthly and ZoneCooling SummaryMonthly. this will get you want you want. (for more info abou the available output variables see the I/O manual) Kostas --- On Tue, 4/13/10, Habu India <habuindia@xxxxxxxxx> wrote: