That's also a doubt I had had. In my case, my thesis will have to be done with a software approved by ASHRAE 140-2004. I know that E+ is approved and I also found this document about DesignBuilder:,com_docman/task,cat_view/gid,20/Itemid,30/
Is this document enough for me to use DesignBuilder's simulations or do I have to export as .idf and run the simulations on EP-Launch?Thanks in advance for any comentsLuis Saraiva
2010/5/15 Tesfaye Minwyelet <tminwyelet@xxxxxxxxx>
Dear davelet me clarify every thing ,i want to make my thesis on the design and simulation of energy efficent building,so when i search for the papers and publications ,there are a number of softwares that helps to make an energy efficent building,i try to down load e+(energy plus soft ware) and design builder,since now i am the beginner i am not clear with detail of the two soft my questions are it not necessary to down load e+ to use design builder?2.does design builder is enough to make the design and simulation of energy efficent building,and give the result in the form of simulation,graph,....3.does energy plus with out design builder is enough to make the design and simulation of energy efficent building,and give the result in the form of simulation,graph with out design builder?,....4.there is no link between e+(of EP-launch,IDFEditor ,WinEpDraw ) and design builder?please clarify me .thanking in advance for your valuabel comments.Date: Friday, May 14, 2010, 11:39 PM
Dear davethank for your valuable comment,that means is it possible to work only on the design buider to see the performace of energy efficent building with out ep-launch & IDFEditor ? that means we have two options to make the simulation of energy efficent building 1.with the help of EP-launch,IDFEditor ,WinEpDraw2.With the help of design builder only . i am not clear with that .please give your valuable commentswith best regrdsTesfaye Minyelet
--- On Fri, 5/14/10, Dave Urja <daveurja@yahoo. com> wrote:
From: Dave Urja <daveurja@yahoo. com>
Subject: Re: [EnergyPlus_ Support] need suggestion
To: EnergyPlus_Support@ yahoogroups. com
Date: Friday, May 14, 2010, 6:42 AM
*.idf file is input file for E+. If you develop your model using E+ idf, the DesingBuilder cannot read it. It is a shortcoming in DB that it can generate idf file but connot read idf flie.Dave
From: Tesfaye Minwyelet <tminwyelet@yahoo. com>
To: EnergyPlus_Support@ yahoogroups. com
Sent: Fri, May 14, 2010 8:53:45 AM
Subject: [EnergyPlus_ Support] need suggestion
Dear Sir Or madam
i am on the way to use e+ and design builder togeter in order to see the result from the interface in the form of graph and simulation while feeding input in idf file?would mind to give me valuabe comments?thanking in advance for your valuable comments.
with best regards
Tesfaye Minwyelet
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