I am trying to reset the watts on the following steam generator:
Direct Water, !- Name
unconditioned, !- Zone Name
Always On, !- Schedule Name
EquipmentLevel, !- Design Level Calculation Method
50, !- Design Level {W}
, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
, !- Watts per Person {W/Person}
1, !- Fraction Latent
, !- Fraction Radiant
, !- Fraction Lost
General; !- End-Use Subcategory
I assumed I could use an actuator:
MoistureGain, !- Name
Direct Water, !- Actuated Component Unique Name
SteamEquipment, !- Actuated Component Type
Design Level {W}; !- Actuated Component Control Type
But this causes a system crash, so I must not be doing this correctly. I also tried to manipulate the schedule and could not get the right values to avoid crashing. Can someone give me a little guidance?