If you want one created, please send the info required:
Name of Location (including country) Latitude (N+/S-)(decimal format preferred) Longitude (E+/W-)(decimal format preferred) Time Zone (+/- GMT) Elevation (meters) For convenience, you can convert lat/long in degrees minutes seconds to the decimal format by visiting this web link: http://www.fcc.gov/mb/audio/bickel/DDDMMSS-decimal.htmlPemba in Mozambique is already up there.
At 08:22 AM 9/16/2010, rlicinio@xxxxxxxxx wrote:Hi, I am looking for the Meteonorm Weather file from Maputo/ Mozambique. If it possible, someone can put it in menu Files/ Meteonorm_Weather_Files or send it to my email rlicinio@xxxxxxxxx.------------------------------------
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