Hi! first thanks for reciving this data and thanks in advance if you create the weather file, anyway i need the weather from Namiquipa, Mexico Name of Location: Namiquipa (MEXICO) Latitude: 29° 14' 50'' N Longitude: 107° 24' 40'' O Time Zone: GMT -7 Elevation: 1834
From: EnergyPlus_Support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:EnergyPlus_Support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Linda Lawrie
Creating custom weather files is described in
the Auxiliary Programs document or you can ask for a Meteonorm file to be
produced (send message to this group). For a meteonorm creation, you need
to include:
Name of Location (including country) Latitude (N+/S-)(decimal format preferred) Longitude (E+/W-)(decimal format preferred) Time Zone (+/- GMT) Elevation (meters) For convenience, you can convert lat/long in degrees minutes seconds to the decimal format by visiting this web link: http://www.fcc.gov/mb/audio/bickel/DDDMMSS-decimal.html You should also read: Information on selecting weather data is described in this paper: Drury B. Crawley. 1998. "Which Weather Data Should You Use for Energy Simulations of Commercial Buildings?" in ASHRAE Transactions, pp. 498-515, Vol. 104, Pt. 2. Atlanta: ASHRAE. (PDF 197 KB) PDF: http://energyplus.gov/pdfs/bibliography/whichweatherdatashouldyouuseforenergysimulations.pdf Your spreadsheet will come from either the csv file you produce or by selecting tabular reports. Doing simulations is described in the Getting Started manual.
AVG tarafyndan kontrol edildi - www.avg.com Surum: 9.0.856 / Virus Veritabany: 271.1.1/3156 - Surum Tarihi: 09/24/10 09:34:00 __._,_.___ Primary EnergyPlus support is found at: http://energyplus.helpserve.com or send a message to energyplus-support@xxxxxxxx The primary EnergyPlus web site is found at: http://www.energyplus.gov The group web site is: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/EnergyPlus_Support/ Attachments are currently allowed but be mindful that not everyone has a high speed connection. Limit attachments to small files. EnergyPlus Documentation is searchable. Open EPlusMainMenu.pdf under the Documentation link and press the "search" button.
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